Nordidactica 2015:2
This edition of Nordidactica is a special issue focusing on research in the field of Religious Education (RE) and gives a comparative perspective on RE in the Nordic countries. The special edition is a result of a cooperation between reseachers from the Nordic countries and England following a symposium at the Nordic Conference of Religious Education (NCRE) in Reykjavik, Iceland, in June 2013.

Special Editor is Oddrun M.H. Bråten from Sør-Trøndelag University College, Norway. She has also written the Introduction.
The following articles are included in the special edition:
- Oddrun M. H. Bråten’s (Sør-Trøndelag Univeristy College, Norway): ‘Should there be wonder and awe? A three-dimensional and four levels comparative methodology used to discuss the ‘learning from’ aspect of English and Norwegian RE.’
- Jonathan Doney’s (University of Exeter, England): ‘How did it become possible? Supranational Ecumenical developments and changes in Religious Education during the 1960s and 70s’
- Elisabet Haakedal’s (University of Agder, Norway): ‘Action research and development work in religion and worldview education – comparing communities of practice and cooperative networks.’
- Martin Ubani (University of Eastern Finland), Arto Kallioniemi, & Saila Poulter’s (University of Helsinki): ‘Finnish Class Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Religious Education’
- Gunnar J. Gunnarsson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir & Halla Jónsdóttir’s (University of Iceland): ’Frendship, diversity and fear. Young people’s life views and life values in a multicultural society
- Kathrine Kjærgaard’s (University of Greenland/ Nuuk):‘Religious Education, Identity and Nation Bulding the Case of Greenland’
- Mette Buchardt’s (Aalborg University) article ‘Cultural Protestantism and Nordic Religious Education: An incision in the historical layers behind the Nordic welfare state model’