Nordidactica 2013:1
This issue of Nordidactica is a special issue. The articles are based on papers presented at the conference ”Globalization and School Subjects – Challenges for Civics, History, Geography and Religious Education” at The University of Karlstad in December 2012.

In this issue of Nordidactica writers from primarily the Nordic countries, but also from Australia, Turkey and Lebanon in various ways addresses the problem of Globalization and Citizenship in primary and secondary education. Some of the articles focuses on specific subjects; History, Social Science, Religion and Geography. Most of the articles have a strict didactical perspective; others have a more explorative perspective, political socialization of Swedish youth and the state of citizen education in Lebanon. All the articles are proceedings from a conference on Globalization and School Subjects - Challenges for Civics, History, Geography and Religious Education” organized by Karlstad University, December 2012. In the Introduction to 2013:1 Globalization and School Subjects you will find the Table of Contents with a short presentation of each article.
We are happy to present no less than 12 articles. We have divided them into four parts:
- In the first part we publish an article based on one of the keynote speeches
- In the second part we publish two articles analyzing and discussing civics in the aftermath of the terror attack in Oslo on July the 22nd 2011
- In the third part we publish four articles contributing to comparative and intercultural perspectives
- In the fourth part we publish five articles debating the issue of civics in a local and a global context