NCRE 2024 “The Other”
Welcome to the 17th Nordic Conference of Religious Education [NCRE], where we will explore ‘the other’ in RE. The theme includes, but is not limited to, discussing the multicultural state, minority voices, otherification and exotification, using the perspective of the majority to describe a minority, how culturation into an ‘us’ by implication necessarily creates a ‘them’, as well as good examples (practical or theoretical) on how to avoid all or some of the pitfalls mentioned above.
Date: June 17 to 19, 2024. Preconference meetup on Sunday, June 16th.
Location: Karlstad University, Sweden.
Keynote speakers:
- David Thurfjell, Professor in the study of religions, Södertörn University
- Martha Shaw, ass. Professor in education at London South Bank University
- Torjer Andreas Olsen, Professor in indigenous studies, Tromsø University
Local committee led by Kristian Niemi (
Advised by the board of NFR: Peder Thalén (Gävle University), Jenny Berglund (Stockholm University), Olof Franck (Göteborg University), Geir Skeie (University of Stavanger), Cecilia Eskilsson (Stockholm University)