Hello there Nina Larsson...

...Where do you work and what do you work with?
I work at Swedbank head office, currently within a small team with the aim to support our Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in various activities; from reporting to the Board to coordinating complex topics and everything in between.
What have you studied?
I have primarily studied mathematics at Karlstad University, but I have also studied physics, statistics etc.
Why is it that math is so fun?
The logic behind it, the great feeling of understanding theorems, the way it develops your analytical thinking which can be applied to almost anything.. Just to mention a few.
In what way do you work with math within you profession?
I started my banking career as a credit risk model analyst in 2006, making use of my math experience initially in programming and constructing models. This set the path for me to be able to expand into and gain experience in different areas.
What in your career has been challenging?
When taking on new challenges in new areas, especially my very first job, understanding the prerequisites of that area and that reality is not perfectly set-up in contrary to the school books.
What topic are you going to talk about on the Sonja Kovalevsky days?
I will talk about my experience in the banking industry, why I find it an interesting place to work and what opportunities there are.