Charles Darwin University, Australien

Charles Darwin University, Australien rankas som bland världens två procent bästa lärosäten på the Times Higher Educations lista.

Utbytet sker inom ramen för Erasmus-samarbetet och är för studenter inom både grundutbildning och på masternivå inom alla ämnesområden. En nyhet är att studenter inom juridik nu kan söka till utbytesstudier här.
Charles Darwin grundades på 1950-talet. Idag skriver universitetet på sin webbplats att: "No other single Australian university serves such a large area of the continent, in such a remote location and with such a small population to sustain it. While the Northern Territory covers around 16 percent of Australia, in 2015 it was home to just over 1 percent of the population, 30 percent of whom were Indigenous compared with around 3 percent of the general Australian population. The only university based in the Northern Territory, CDU is a dual sector university. We are the most northerly Australian university, literally on Asia’s doorstep. Closer in many respects to the vast populations of Asia than to the southern Australian states.
Ours is a university deeply engaged with, and informed by, Australia’s Indigenous people. Recognising that we operate on the lands of many strong Indigenous nations, respecting the knowledge and culture of Aboriginal people and committed to Indigenous advancement."