Annual Nordic Chapter PRME Symposium

Sustainability and the Nordic
The symposium is part of the Nordic chapter PRME annual meeting. It focuses on the theme “Sustainability and the Nordics”.
The symposium brings different discussions from research and academy to discuss and assess the role of Nordic business schools towards sustainability with keynote speakers:
- Professor Atle Midttun, Co-director of The Centre for Corporate Responsibility, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway on "Sustainability; The Nordic Model and Beyond"
- A fireside chat Prof. Mette Morning, Head of PRME, New York with Prof. Robert Strand, Executive Director Haas Business School's Center for Sustainable Business, University of Berkeley, the USA on "Sustainability and the Nordic Leadership”
- Discussion on Navigating COVID-19 Challenges in Responsible Management Education, with Dr. Guénola Nonet, Champion for Responsibility in Action, Jönköping International Business School – JIBS, Sweden
This symposium is organized by Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University as part of the Nordic chapter Responsible Management Education symposium.
Date: Nov. 16, 2020
Time: 12:30 – 16:30 Stockholm time.
Nordic chapter Responsible Management Education symposium 16th of November
13:15 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:00
Welcome by head of Karlstad Business School Asct. Prof. Martin Löfgren
14:00 - 14:30
Sustainability; The Nordic Model and Beyond
Prof. Atle Midttun, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
14:35 - 14:55
Mapping and motivating student and faculty for SDG and PREM engagement
Prof. Caroline Ditlev-Simonsen, Co-director of The Centre of Sustainability and Energy, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
14:55 - 15:15
Navigating COVID-19 Challenges in Responsible Management Education
Dr. Guénola Nonet, Champion for Responsibility in Action Jönköping International Business School – JIBS, Sweden
15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 15:50
Integrating a mandatory course into a curriculum - Global Challenges II, Dilemmas and Business Opportunities
Asnt. Professor, Thore Larsgård, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Business and Economics, Norway
15:50 - 16:10
Challenges driven transformation – Sustainability and Innovation
Dr. Samuel Petros, and Prof. Bo Enquist, Karlstad Business School / CTF Service Research Centre, Karlstad University, Sweden
16:10- 16:30
E-Learning mechanisms for Embedding Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Asct. Prof. Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan, Ms. Lavinia-Cristina Iosif-Lazar, and Copenhagen Business School – _CBS, Denmark, and Dr. Anne-Karen Hüske, Chair of Business Management Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
16:30 - 17:15
Sustainability and the Nordic Leadership
Prof. Mette Morsing, Head of PRME, PRME, New York, and Prof. Robert Strand, Executive Director University of Berkeley, Haas Business School's Center for Responsible Business, USA
Contact: Samuel Petros Sebhatu -