Workshop on experiences of gendered inequalities and vulnerabilities, and on strategies for change
In the aftermath of #meetoo, there has been an increased awareness on how systems of privilege related to gender and sexuality – but also to race and other dividing societal categories – have an impact on both agency and well-being for different groups and individuals. And of course, the university is not excluded from practices of injustice, nor from discrimination and harassment related to gender and sexuality. In this workshop, we will share experiences of gendered inequalities and vulnerabilities, as well as work together to find strategies for change. Through a joint analysis of individual experiences, we will collaborate in both defining patterns of privilege and practices of inequalities, as well as to formulate ideas for promoting change.
Time: May 9th
Place: Aventinen
9.30 coffee and presentation
10.00 – 11.45 Workshop on experiences
11.45 – 12.45 Lunch
12.45 – 14.15 Workshop on strategies
14.15 – 14.30 Wrap up
Workshop leader: Malin Rönnblom, Professor Political Science
Co-organiser: Ala Sarah Alaqra, Assistant professor in Information Systems and coordinator of KBS work environment / culture transformation
Organiser: on behalf of Karlstad Business School (KBS) sustainability team.
If you want to participate, send an e-mail (subject line KBS workshop registration) (including dietary preferences) to, 2 of May the latest. The maximum number of participants is 15 persons.
If you have questions, contact:
Malin Rönnblom -
Ala Sarah Alaqra -
Marie-Therese Christiansson -
The Business School pays for the lunch and you will therefore be taxed as a benefit for legal reasons