Disputation i arbetsvetenskap
Josef Ringqvist försvarar sin avhandling i arbetsvetenskap "When workers unionize: Trade union effects on management-worker conflict and attitudes towards immediate interests versus broader political agendas"
Doktorsavhandling Ringqvist 2024:1
Nedan följer en kort beskrivning av innehållet (ur baksidestexten):
Why do workers unionize and what happens when they do? Informed by these longstanding questions, this dissertation studies trade union effects on public perceptions and attitudes through the lens of two overarching themes: conflict between management and workers; and immediate sectional interests versus broader political agendas. The themes are explored empirically through four research papers, each drawing on data from largescale cross-national attitudinal surveys, using multi-level analysis (MLA) to study union effects on several analytical levels. While the studies are cross-sectional, limiting the ability to make strong causal claims, the empirical results indicate that trade unions contribute towards ameliorating perceptions of management-worker conflict; augment perceptions of job autonomy and control, particularly where job demands are high; and transcend immediate sectional interests in favour of broader long-term agendas related to environmental protection.
Händelsen är öppen för allmänheten.
- Tomas Berglund, opponent, professor, Göteborgs universitet
- Bengt Furåker, betygsnämnd, professor emeritus, Göteborgs universitet
- Ingrid Esser, betygsnämnd, docent, Stockholms universitet/Södertörns högskola
- Melanie Simms, betygsnämnd, professor, University of Glasgow
- Anna Åkesson
Telefon: 0760358317
E-post: anna.akesson@kau.se