SOLA - SOLution-borne materials for organic electronic Applications

Main objectives:
- To understand the role of the molecular interactions in polymer-polymer de-mixing during thin film formation, by monitoring it in-situ, imaging it at scales from nano- to micrometers, and modelling its dynamics.
- To understand how molecular interactions can be manipulated by external stimuli with the goal to manipulate morphology.
- To rationalize and optimize morphologies for optical and electronic properties of the films.
- To develop solution formulations for sustainable coating processes using more environmental friendly solvents.
- To develop tools to guide phase separation independent of deposition technique by controlling the drying kinetics.
- To formulate guidelines for polymer design with the goal to form predictable morphologies.
- A platform for Swedish OPV research cooperation and national meetings
- Six PhD students at four Swedish universities with shared supervision
- Investment in research equipment: Flash DSC and AFM-IR
- Yearly autumn meeting at Karlstad University with all members of the projects.
- Additional yearly PI meeting in the spring.
- Short visits of PhD students to partner institutions.
Start: 1/7/2017
End: 30/6/2022
Budget: 28 750 000 SEK
Partner Institutions: KaU, CTH, LiU, LU
Coordinator: Karlstad University
Principle investigators:
Ellen Moons, KaU
Jan van Stam, KaU
Christian Müller, CTH
Ergang Wang, CTH
Fengling Zhang; LiU
Jonas Bergqvist, LiU
Ivan Scheblykin, LU
Petter Persson, LU
OPV Winter School, 10-12 March 2020, Dömle Herrgård, Sweden
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation presentation about Solar cells of the future – greener and easier to use.