External relations officers
The university's external relations officers are here to facilitate collaborations between students and the working life. Our aim is to shorten the time between studies and employment.
If you are interested in working with us and/or with our students, there are plenty of opportunities for it – for instance internships, degree theses, mentorships and job fairs. Contact us, and we'll tell you more!
Erica Jansson
External relations officer
+ 46 70-556 69 36
Faculty of Health, Science and Technology
Jan Håkanson
External relations officer
+ 46 70-582 61 08
Fakulteten of Arts and Social Sciences
Carina Bäccman
External relations officer
+46 (0)54-700 1272
Emilia Westberg
External relations officer
+46 73-432 60 91
Näktergalen, Korta vägen
Petra Johansson
External relations officer
+46 (0) 54 700 14 74
Director of External Relations
Susanna Lundborg
+46 54 700 23 51
+46 76 107 4165