Program and Facilities
The different parts of the conference such as workshops, keynote and lunch takes place at the university in fairly close proximity from each other. Nevertheless, it is probably useful for you to be able to navigate around the university.

Finding your way at the university
The university campus hosts several different buildings and these are the basic units for navigating to a particular room, corridor or lecture hall. Each room is numbered with reference to building and floor so for instance, room 11B242 corresponds to building 11B floor 2 and room 42. Some of the larger lecture halls and rooms also have names, such as Andersalen or Frödingsalen.
You can use this map to find your way, as well as search for rooms and lecture halls:
Most of the activities on the conference program takes place in close proximity to a part of the university called Transformum. This is centrally located at campus and easy to find and access from the main entrance. In Transformum we will host all meals and coffee breaks and also set up a square where book publishers and research centers can show some of their products and activities. In addition, this is also where the annual meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association takes place during lunch on October 5. The keynote adress and the panel discussion are both held in a lecture hall (Lagerlöfsalen) that is located right next to Transformum and to the best of our ability we have also booked rooms for the workshops close to the rest of the activities.
4 Oct. | ||
Time | Activity | Location/comment |
10.00 | Registration opens | Transformum |
12.00-13.15 | Lunch | Transformum |
13.15-15.15 | Workshops, session 1 | See below |
15.12-15.45 | Coffee break | Transformum |
15.45-17.00 | Keynote, Prof. Birgit Sauer, University of Vienna: Challenges to Political Studies in Post-political Times | Lagerlöfsalen (1A305) |
17.00-18.00 | Conference mingle, sponsored by Studentlitteratur | Transformum |
5 Oct. | ||
Time | Activity | Location/comment |
09.00-10.30 | Workshops, session 2 | See below |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break | Transformum |
11.00-12.15 | Panel discussion | Lagerlöfsalen (1A305) |
12.15-14.15 | Lunch and the annual meeting of SWEPSA. Please note, the annual meeting starts 13.15. | Transformum |
14.30-17.30 | Workshops, session 3 | See below |
19.00 | Conference dinner | At Restaurant Olsons Bazar, Hamntorget, Karlstad |
6 Oct. | ||
Time | Activity | Location/comment |
09.00-12.00 | Workshops, session 4 | See below |
12.00-13.00 | Lunch | Transformum |
Meeting rooms for workshops
Workshops convene in the same rooms throughout the three days. In the table below you can find the specified rooms for each workshop as well as facilities for those organisations that requested a place to hold their annual meetings.
Arbetsgrupp | Lokal |
Collaborative Governance and Innovation | 1D 262 |
Environmental Politics | 1D 328 |
The European Union and the Challenges of a Transforming World Order | 3A 340 |
Gender and Politics: Power, Knowledge, Democracy | 1D 321 |
Competition and Marketisation of Public Administration / Urban and regional politics | 1D 225 |
Critical Studies of Power and Discourse | 1D 317 |
Political Behaviour and Parties | 1D 327 |
Political Theory, Political Ideologies and Political Language | 3B 513 |
Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, redaktionsmöte | 3B 343 |
SNES | 3A 340 |
Phd-students meeting | 3C 511 |