Registration for the conference opens in May and closes August 24. If you are planning to participate with a paper in one of the conference workshops you should also note that the abstract deadline has been extended to June 16. Of course, you may attend the conference without presenting a paper. However, if you are planning on doing so and still would like to be part of a workshop, we encourage you to contact the conveners and let them know that you will sit in but not present a paper.

Conference registration
The conference registration is now open and you reach it via this link:
Please note that this registration is for the conference as such. If you intend to present a paper in one of the workshops you also need to follow the procedure for that. Information about workshops and how to submit an abstract for one of those can be found here: workshops and abstract submission
The conference fee is set to 2000 SEK, with an additional cost of 500 SEK if you wish to attend the conference dinner.
The conference fee includes three lunches as well as complementary coffee and snacks in connection to all workshop sessions. In addition the fee also includes drinks and snacks served during the mingle following directly after the conference keynote adress. If you also would like to attend the conference dinner you need to specify this during registration and this will come at additional cost. During the registration process you can also specify food preferences and allergies.