Studying Statistics
Undergraduate students in Statistics can expect a high degree of flexibility. We offer courses at different levels adapted to students’ pre-knowledge.

Flexibility in studying is also offered. Students can take an undergraduate course in Statistics 30 ECTS cr on or off campus, or combine the two, taking some modules on campus and others as distance learning modules. We have courses on all three undergraduate levels 1-30 ECTS cr, 31-60 ECTS cr, and 61-90 ECTS cr. Several of these can be studied as distance learning courses.
Distance courses 1-15 ECTS cr. are offered part- and full-time in both autumn and spring semesters. The distance course 16-30 ECTS cr is offered part-time in both autumn and spring semesters.
If you want to learn a statistical software used “in real-lfe contexts”, take our distance course with flexible start and study at your own pace: "Introduction to SPSS".