Functional variations and student at Risk-and environmental studies
Each year a large number of students at Karlstad University apply for support for students with documented special needs. Many that have the right to apply for support doesn't do so and our experience is that too many of these will meet various obstacles in completing their university studies in a good way.

It is important for us at Karlstad University to support equal rights and opportunities and provide a grounds for successful studies also when one have special needs.
Available support
Karlstad University offers various kinds of support for students with documented special needs to help you make sure that your studies will progress as smoothly as possible. You can read more about the various kinds of support available, helpful ideas of what you can do yourself and information about your responsibilities as a university student.
Project on widened participation
At Risk- and environmental studies we work actively with questions related to special needs and university studies in our discipline. During 2017 to 2018 we conducted the first phase of a development project: "Possibilities to widened participation" within the boundaries of our bachelors programme: Environment and safety (180 ECTS credits). The key idea behind the project is that as a compliment to the supportive options that is available centrally at the university, adaptation and increased knowledge is also needed closer to the students everyday work: in programmes, courses and among teachers that students will meet in these courses.
- The report from the first phase of the project: "Möjligheter till breddat deltagande" is available here. [.pdf, Xkb, in Swedish]
- More information about our bachelor level programme Environment and safety (180 ECTS credits) is available here.
During 2019 the project continued in a second phase where several actions that were identified in the first phase of the project were implemented and evaluated. Examples of issues adressed are clarity, routines and support in the development of writing skills.