Monika Magnusson
Monika Magnusson is an associate professor in information systems at Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University. Her doctoral dissertation from 2006 focused on the adoption of e-commerce in SMEs. Since then, she has also studied digitalization and technology adoption in areas such as public e-services and open-source ERP systems. Currently, her primary research focus lies in digitalization and digital transformation, particularly in the field of crisis or disaster management. She is actively involved in the R&D project Incredilab, which aims to enhance climate resilience through collaborative learning models and digital transformation. This project is financed by the EU/Interreg Sweden-Norway program. Additionally, Magnusson serves as the head supervisor for two PhD students in information systems.
Monika Magnusson lectures both postgraduate and undergraduate courses in information systems, mainly in the area of digitalisation or information systems design in organisations. She has a long experience of supervising student theses at bachelor and magister level, and lately also at doctoral level. Monika Magnusson was the programme coordinator for the distance learning programme IT, project management and ERP systems during 2011-2020.
2019-2021 Project manager EU/Interreg project CriseIT 2- Implementing Future Crisis Management Training
2020 Associate professor degree
2016 - 2018 Project manager EU/Interreg project CriseIT - Preparing for Future Crisis Management
2013-2014 Project manager Virtual Studio for Crisis Training (Virtuell studio för krisövning), financed by Vinnova
2011 - Programme coordinator for the study programme IT, project management and ERP systems (IT, projektledning och affärssystem)
2010 - Assistant professor, Information systems
2008-2010 Project manager, Just IT in SME, financed by Tillväxtverket
2008-2010 Post doc
2008-2008 Project manager, UNISKA financed by EU/Interreg project
2000-2006 Doctoral student
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Selected publications
Magnusson, M., Nyberg, L. & Wik, M. (2018) Information Systems for Disaster Management Training: Investigating User Needs with a Design Science Research Approach, accepted at ISCRAM 2018, Rochester.
Magnusson, M. (2016). Facebook Usage During a Flood–a Content Analysis of Two Local Governments’ Facebook Pages. ACIS2016-The 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 2016.
Bellström, P., Magnusson, M., Pettersson, J. S., & Thorén, C. (2016). Facebook usage in a local government: a content analysis of page owner posts and user posts. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 10(4), 548-567.
Gustiené, P., Magnusson, M. (2015). Best practices for e-learning in on campus and distance education - a case study of Karlstad University. In G. Dregvaite and R. Damasevicius (Eds), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Information and Software Technologies, ICIST 2015, CCIS vol. 538, pp. 93-103. Springer International Publication, Switzerland 2015, DOI: 10.10077978-3-319-2477009, ISBN 97-3-319-24769-4
Magnusson, M., & Öberg, L. M. (2015). Crisis Training Software and User Needs–Research Directions. In Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes (eds.), Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference, Kristiansand, May 24-27. ISSN: 2411-3387, ISBN: 978-82-7117-788-1.
Magnusson, M. (2014). “Information Seeking and Sharing During a Flood - a Content Analysis of a Local Government’s Facebook Page”, presented at the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014, 10-11 July, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Magnusson, M., Bellström, P., and Thorén, C. (2012). "Facebook usage in government – a case study of information content" (July 29, 2012). AMCIS 2012 Proceedings. Paper 11.
Magnusson, M. (2011). “Intentions to Adopt Open Source Software ERP Systems – A Case Study of Four Swedish Municipalities” in Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos.
Magnusson, M. (2011). “E-business Model Design and Evaluation - the Pieces Make the Puzzle”, in 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation.
Monika Magnusson & Marie-Therese Christiansson (2011). “Using Goal Modelling to Evaluate Goals for e-Service Development in Government”, in The5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation
Magnusson. M. (2010). “Propensity to Adopt – Categorizing SMEs’ Adoption of e-Commerce” in de Castro Neto, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, pp. 227-234.
Ihlström, C., Magnusson, M., Scupola, A., & Tuunainen, V. K. (2003). SME barriers to electronic commerce adoption: nothing changes-everything is new (pp. 147-163). IDEA Group Publishing, Hershey.
MacGregor, R., Vrazalic, L., Carlsson, S., Bunker, D., & Magnusson, M. (2002). The impact of business size and business type on small business investment in electronic commerce: a study of swedish small businesses. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 9(2).
Vrazalic, L., Bunker, D., MacGregor, R., Carlsson, S., & Magnusson, M. (2002). Electronic commerce and market focus: Some findings from a study of Swedish small to medium enterprises. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 10(1).
- Monika Magnusson, Malin Wik, 2023
- Linda Bergkvist, Monika Magnusson, 2023
- Linda Bergkvist, Monika Magnusson, 2022
- Carin. E Lindskog, Monika Magnusson, 2021
- Monika Magnusson, Erik Persson, John Sören Pettersson, Peter Bellström, Geir Ove Venemyr, Bjørn Tallak Bakken, Andreas Pettersson, Emelie Hindersson, 2021
- Peter Bellström, Erik Persson, Monika Magnusson, John Sören Pettersson, Malin Wik, Geir Ove Venemyr, Emelie Hindersson, 2020
- Monika Magnusson, John Sören Pettersson, Peter Bellström, Henrik Andersson, 2019
- Monika Magnusson, Geir Ove Venemyr, Peter Bellström, Bjørn Bakken, 2019
- Peter Bellström, Erik Persson, Monika Magnusson, 2019
- Monika Magnusson, John Sören Pettersson, Peter Bellström, Henrik Andersson, 2018
- Monika Magnusson, Lars Nyberg, Malin Wik, 2018
- Malin Wik, Lars Nyberg, Monika Magnusson, 2017
- Linda Kvarnlöf, Monika Magnusson, Lena-Maria Öberg, 2017
- Monika Magnusson, 2016
- Peter Bellström, Monika Magnusson, John Sören Pettersson, Claes Thorén, 2016
- Prima Gustiené, Monika Magnusson, 2015
- Monika Magnusson, Lena-Maria Öberg, 2015
- Monika Magnusson, 2014
- Monika Magnusson, Peter Bellström, Claes Thorén, 2012
- Monika Magnusson, 2011
- Monika Magnusson, 2011
- Monika Magnusson, 2011
- Monika Magnusson, Marie-Therese Christiansson, 2011
- Monika Magnusson, 2010
- Monika Magnusson, 2010
- Monika Magnusson, 2009
- Monika Magnusson, 2006
- Monika Magnusson, 2004
- L. Vrazalic, R.C. MacGregor, D. Bunker, Sten Carlsson, Monika Magnusson, 2003
- L. Vrazalic, D. Stern, R.C. MacGregor, D. Bunker, Sten Carlsson, Monika Magnusson, 2003
- R.C. MacGregor, L. Vrazalic, D. Bunker, Sten Carlsson, Monika Magnusson, 2003
- L. Vrazalic, R.C. MacGregor, D. Bunker, Sten Carlsson, Monika Magnusson, 2002
- L. Vrazalic, R.C. MacGregor, D. Bunker, Sten Carlsson, Monika Magnusson, 2002
- C. Ihlström, Monika Magnusson, A. Scupola, V.K. Tuunainen, 2002
- C. Ihlström, Monika Magnusson, A. Scupola, V.K. Tuunainen, 2002
- R.C. MacGregor, L. Vrazalic, Sten Carlsson, D. Bunker, Monika Magnusson, 2002
- Monika Magnusson, 2001
- Monika Magnusson, 1999