Maja Herstad

My research area is gender equality and diversity work in organizations. In my licentiate thesis in Sociology I explore emotions as important components of gender equality work in organizations, work often involving spaces where employees and external gender expert functions meet. I am particularly interested in emotions that are valued or common in this work, and their linkages to recurring practices, localized power relations and organizational contexts. My work draws on Sociology of Emotion and Critical studies of gender equality/gender mainstreaming.
My teaching covers different areas in courses offered at gender studies and sociology, mainly in relation to gender and organization, practical change work and sociology of emotion. I have also developed and tailored courses and workshops for the university and external organizations on, for example: gender and gender mainstreaming (in relation to: humanitarian assistance and development cooperation, capacity development, education, communication, energy), norm-critical pedagogy, master suppression techniques, and gender equality in meetings.
I am affiliated with the Centre for Gender Studies (CGF) and the research school of the Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation (CRS).
After completing an interdisciplinary master’s degree in humanitarian assistance, and studies in political science and gender studies, I worked for many years with gender mainstreaming and gender equality issues in international development cooperation. Since 2018 I work at Kau as a teacher, supporting gender mainstreaming efforts at the university and in different companies, and lately also as a PhD student in sociology.
Selected publications
Herstad, M. (2022). Discomfort as a sign of authentic engagement and progress in company gender equality work, Emotions and Society (published online ahead of print 2022). Retrieved Dec 13, 2022, from
Herstad, M. och Åberg, P. (2021). Jämställda möten: tips, metoder och exempel för dig som vill förändra dina möten. Karlstads Universitet.
- Maja Herstad, 2024