Luca Tainio

I am working as an adjunct lecturer in Gender Studies, as well as the editorial secretary for NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies.
In addition, I am working on my PhD thesis at the University of Helsinki, focusing on questions of transmasculine embodiment and vulnerability, especially in connection to cultural understandings of the penis and its connections to masculinity. I am doing my PhD as part of two different research projects, “Trans*Creative: Health, Violence and Environment in Trans Cultural Production” (Kone Foundation) and “Affective Activism: Sites of Queer and Trans World-Making” (Academy of Finland).
Since 2016 I have been periodically teaching BA and MA level courses on Transgender Studies as an adjunct at Karlstad University as well as Tampere University.
I am a founding member of the Finnish Transgender Studies Network as well as an active member of The Nordic Transgender Studies Network.
2020- Adjunct Lecturer in Gender Studies, Centre for Gender Studies (CGF)
2020- Doctoral Student, Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY), University of Helsinki, Finland
2019- Editorial Secretary for NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies
2019 - 2020 Book review editor for NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.
2018 – 2019 Visiting post-graduate researcher, Karlstad University, Centre for Gender Studies and GEXcel International Collegium (Transgender Studies)
Since 2016 teaching periodically different courses in Gender Studies at KAU and Tampere University, Finland.
2016 - 2020 Doctoral Student, Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, Tampere University, Finland
2016 Project researcher, University of Turku, Finland, 16.11.-31.12.2016
2016 Project researcher, International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe): Health4LGBTI. A pilot project related to Reducing Health inequalities experienced by LGBTI people, 20.5.-31.7.2016
2015, M.Soc.Sc, Gender Studies, University of Tampere 21.10.2015, Tampere, Finland
Selected publications
Juvonen, Tuula; Alasuutari, Varpu; Kähkönen, Lotta & Tainio, Luca (2022) ”Syrjäytettyjen tunteet aktivismissa” [The emotions of the marginalised in politics] Politiikasta, 8.2.2022,
Mehrabi, Tara & Tainio, Luca (2022) The gender and sexual politics of the COVID-19 pandemic. Introduction to Special Issue, European Journal of Women´s Studies 29:2, 1-9.
Straube, Wibke & Tainio, Luca (2019) Book review on Koivunen, Anu; Kyrölä, Katariina & Ryberg, Ingrid (Eds.) The power of vulnerability: mobilising affect in feminist, queer and anti-racist media cultures. Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2018.
Alasuutari, V., Kondelin, S., Tainio, L., Toriseva, R. & Vähäpassi, E. (2017) Transtutkimuksen ja intersukupuolisuuden tutkimuksen ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. [Introduction to Special Issue on Trans and Intersex Studies.] Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning, 30:1, 2-14.
Tainio, Luca (2013) Dikotomisesta transsukupuolisuudesta queeriin transgenderiin? [From Binary Transsexual to Queer Transgender?] SQS - Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran lehti, Transtutkimuksen teemanumero 7:1-2, 18- 29.
- Luca Karhu Tainio, 2023
- Luca Tainio, Wibke Straube, 2023
- Tara Mehrabi, Luca Tainio, 2022
- Wibke Straube, Luca Tainio, 2019