Karl-Johan Grinnemo
My research focuses on analyzing the quality of service provided by IP-based computer and cellular networks. In the past several years, the demand for modern cellular networks has increased significantly, leading to a need for support of services with strict requirements such as low latency, high throughput, and high availability. To address these needs, I am investigating multi-connectivity solutions, network slicing, and edge computing.
To leverage multi-connectivity and network slicing in 5G and beyond cellular networks, we have proposed a Policy-based Architecture for Network Slicing (PLANS). This policy framework optimizes the utilization of available network slices through policy systems installed both within the network and on user equipment. As part of sub-project #2 of the DRIVE (Data-driven Latency-sensitive Mobile Services for a Digitalized Society) research initiative, we are developing a multipath-tunneling framework for 5G, which allows multiple data flows to be scheduled across a single multipath tunnel. We are also exploring how different scheduling policies affect each flow.
In the area of edge computing, we have modeled the offloading problem in an edge cloud infrastructure as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. Our aim is to find efficient optimization techniques that minimize total system delay after completing all tasks for all services requested by users. We have proposed several offline solutions and are considering online methods that involve reinforcement learning and other sequential learning techniques.
With the introduction of 5G technology, there has been a surge of interest in the Internet of Things (IoT), particularly Cellular IoT (CIoT). Consequently, power-saving mechanisms and configurations have become critical research areas. It is essential to balance the limited resources and battery life of CIoT devices with the demands of resource-intensive applications. My research addresses these challenges and aims to provide solutions that will pave the way for more efficient and reliable cellular networks in the future. Recently, we demonstrated how machine learning can be used to automatically configure NB-IoT devices in 4G and 5G networks to minimize power consumption.
I am actively participating in teaching at both the first-, second-, and third-cycle levels. Since 2010, I have worked at Karlstad University; however, during 2009-2010, I was an acting senior lecturer at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Karlstad University
- Lecturer in the graduate course "Advanced Wireless Networks and Systems" (DVAE20), Fall 2023 and Fall 2024.
- Course responsible for the graduate course "Advanced Communication Networks" (DVAD20), Fall 2023 and Fall 2024.
- Lecturer in the graduate course "Advanced Communication Networks" (DVAD20), Fall 2022.
- Course responsible for graduate course "Introduction to Machine Learning" (DVAD91), Fall 2021.
- Responsible for resit exam in undergraduate course "Databases" (DVGA21), Spring 2021.
- Responsible for resit exam in undergraduate course "Database Techniques" (DVGB04), Spring 2021.
- Course responsible for the undergraduate course "Computer Networking I" (DVGB02), Spring 2021 - Spring 2024.
- Course responsible for the undergraduate course "Operating Systems" (DVGB01), Fall 2020 - Fall 2022.
- Thesis advisor and examiner in the undergraduate course "Degree Project for Master of Science in Engineering, Computer Engineering" (DVAE11), Fall 2018, Spring 2018 - Spring 2023.
- Assistant teacher in the Ph.D. course "Individual Theme," Spring 2019.
- Lecturer in the graduate course "Future Internet Design and Service Quality" (DVAD60, DVAD61, DVAD62, DVAD63, DVAD64), Spring 2019 - Spring 2022, Fall 2020 - Fall 2022.
- Lecturer in the undergraduate course "Computer Networking I" (DVGB02), Spring 2019.
- Lecturer in the undergraduate course "Computer Engineering Project" (DVAE08), Fall 2018, Fall 2020.
- Lecturer in the undergraduate course "Operating Systems" (DVGB01), Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2023.
- Lecturer in undergraduate course "Programming Techniques" (DVGA01), Fall 2017, Fall 2022.
- Course Responsible for the undergraduate course "Programming Techniques" (DVGA01), Fall 2021.
- Course Responsible for the Ph.D. course "Computer Networking Seminar," Fall 2017.
- Course responsible for the undergraduate course "Computer Engineering Project" (DVAE08), Fall 2015.
- Assistant in the Ph.D. course Individual Themes, Spring 2014, Fall 2015.
- Assistant in the Ph.D. course "Classic Papers," Fall 2013.
- Lab assistant in the undergraduate course "Programming Techniques for Engineers" (DVGA15), Fall 2013.
- Lab assistant in the undergraduate course "Software Development and Design" (DVGA09), Spring 2013.
- Lab assistant in the undergraduate course "Operating Systems" (DVGB01), Fall 2012 and Fall 2013.
- Lecturer in the graduate course "Perspectives in Computer Science" (DVAD07), Fall 2011 - Fall 2015.
- Thesis advisor and examiner in the undergraduate course "Bachelor’s Project" (DVGC25), Fall 2011 - Fall 2013, and the Fall and Spring between 2017 and 2024.
- Lecturer in the Ph.D. course "Current Advances in Computer Networking," Spring 2011.
- Course responsible for the undergraduate course "Distributed Systems and Applications" (DVGC15), Fall 2010 - Fall 2019.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Project assistant in the graduate course "Communication System Design" (IK2200), Spring 2010.
- Course responsible for the undergraduate course "Networks and Communication" (IK1203), Spring 2010.
- Lecturer and lab assistant in the graduate course "Advanced Internetworking" (IK2215), Fall 2009 and Fall 2010.
- Lecturer and lab assistant in graduate course "Internet Security and Privacy" (IK1206), Fall 2009.
I work in close collaboration with a number of highly reputable Swedish universities and research institutes, including MDU, KTH, and RISE, on various projects that have received national funding. Additionally, I partner with multiple esteemed European universities and institutes on diverse projects that receive funding from the EU. Some of the universities and institutes I work with include the University of Oslo, Simula, University of Malaga, University of Athens, Fraunhofer FOKUS, and FH Munster, among others. My aim is to leverage these partnerships to advance my research and development efforts and stay at the forefront of innovation in my research fields.
I completed my Ph.D. in June 2006 and worked for six months as a post-doctor at the former Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University. During that time, I continued my research from my Ph.D. studies on telephone signaling over IP and SCTP with Ericsson Research in Aachen. I also participated in a cooperative research effort with Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona on using SCTP in mobile networks. In January 2007, my post-doctoral position at Karlstad University ended, and I resumed my position as a consultant at Tieto in Karlstad. My work at Tieto involved pre-studies, system design, and implementation and was aligned with my research. For instance, I implemented an alarm function in Ericsson's Connectivity Packet Platform (CPP). I conducted a pre-study with colleagues from Tieto's Beijing office on building an SCTP traffic offload engine for SCTP in CPP.
I continued to be involved in research and actively participated in various research project phases, including planning, grant seeking, and execution, as an adjunct researcher. I also took leave from Tieto in Karlstad between Fall 2009 and Fall 2010 to work as an acting senior lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. During this time, I initiated a research project named "Smart Session Management for Multi-homed SCTP" (SCTP Smartswitch) with Karlstad University and Ericsson Research in Kista. The project aimed to extend SCTP's failover/changeover mechanism with intelligent session management, enabling it to manage real-time applications, such as interactive games, that require fast failovers/changeovers and roaming mobile terminals that sometimes experience long disconnection periods.
In Fall 2010, I acquired a four-year tenure-track position at Karlstad University and worked as a senior associate lecturer in their computer science department for two years. During this time, the "SCTP SmartSwitch" project was a significant part of my research work, resulting in about ten publications, an SCTP-based mobility management framework for smartphones and tablets that offered sub-second vertical handover between 3G and WiFi networks, and a generic SCTP-based session layer for mobility support in mobile delay-tolerant networks. I became a Senior Lecturer at Karlstad University in Fall 2014 and an Associate Professor (Swedish Docent) in Fall 2016. I have authored and co-authored over 100 conference and journal papers and am a Senior Member of IEEE.
Selected publications
These are my ten most recent peer-reviewed publications as of the time of writing:
- M. Memarian, A. Kassler, K.-J. Grinnemo, S. Laki, G. Pongracz, and J. Forsman. Utilizing Hybrid P4 Solutions to Enhance 5G gNB with Data Plane Programmability. in the 15th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Venice, Italy, November 2024.
- M. T. Abbas, K.-J. Grinnemo, A. Brunstrom, P. Jörke, J. Eklund, S. Alfredsson, M. Rajiullah, and C. Wietfeld. Evaluating the Impact of Pre-configured Uplink Resources in NB-IoT. Sensors. MDPI, 2024.
- M. Memarian, A. Kassler, K.-J. Grinnemo, S. Laki, G. Pongracz, and J. Forsman. "Utilizing Hybrid P4 Solutions to Enhance 5G gNB with Data Plane Programmability" in the KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks with a special focus on 6G Networks and related technologies (WueWoWAS’24), Würzburg, Germany, September 2024.
- M. Rajiullah, G. Caso, A. Brunstrom, K.-J. Grinnemo, J. Karlsson, A. Nordin, J. Jansson, A. Sidenblad. Enhancing Healthcare Remote Education with 6G and XR Technologies in the 3rd Edition of The International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France, October 2024.
- M. T. Abbas, K.-J. Grinnemo, G. Ferré, P. Laurent, S. Alfredsson, M. Rajiullah, and J. Eklund. "Towards Zero-Energy: Navigating the Future with 6G in Cellular Internet of Things. Journal of Networking and Computer Applications. Elsevier, vol. 230. 2024.
- A. Mahjoubi, A. Ramaswamy, and K.-J. Grinnemo. "An Online Simulated Annealing-based Task Offloading Strategy for a Mobile Edge Architecture. IEEE Access. vol. 12, pp. 70707-70718. 2024.
- D. Rico, K.-J. Grinnemo, A. Brunstrom, and P. Merino. Performance Analysis of The Multi-connection Tactile Internet Protocol over 5G. Journal of Network and Systems Management, Springer, vol. 31, issue 3, pp. 1573 - 7705.
- H. Haile, K.-J. Grinnemo, S. Ferlin, P. Hurtig, and A. Brunstrom. Copa-D: Delay Consistent Copa for Dynamic Cellular Networks in the 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2023.
- A. Mahjoubi, K.-J. Grinnemo, and J. Taheri. "An Efficient Simulated Annealing-based Task Scheduling Technique for Task Offloading in a Mobile Edge Architecture in the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2022), Paris, France, November 2022.
- B. Ahlgren and K.-J. Grinnemo. ZQTRTT: A Multipath Scheduler for Heterogeneous Traffic in ICNs Based on Zero Queueing Time Ratio in the 9th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Osaka, Japan, September 2022.
- Alexander Lindström, Arunselvan Ramaswamy, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2025
- Ayeh Mahjoubi, Arunselvan Ramaswamy, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2024
- Mohammad Rajiullah, Giuseppe Caso, Anna Brunstrom, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Jonas Karlsson, Anna Nordin, Jörgen Jansson, Anders Sidenblad, 2024
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, Pascal Jörke, Johan Eklund, Stefan Alfredsson, Mohammad Rajiullah, Christian Wietfeld, 2024
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, G. Ferré, P. Laurent, Stefan Alfredsson, Mohammad Rajiullah, Johan Eklund, 2024
- Mohsen Memarian, Andreas Kassler, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Sandor Laki, Gergely Pongracz, Johan Forsman, 2024
- Mohsen Memarian, Andreas Kassler, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Sándor Laki, Gergely Pongracz, Johan Forsman, 2024
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Simone Ferlin, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström, 2023
- Delia Rico, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, Pedro Merino, 2023
- Ayeh Mahjoubi, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2022
- A Prakash, F Eichhorn, O Keil, M Emmelmann, J Gutiérrez, N Maletic, M Scheide, M Ehrig, E Grass, Anna Brunström, Mohammad Rajiullah, Jonas Karlsson, Alexander Rabitsch, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, G Caso, C Griwodz, Ö Alay, M Klausen, I Koffmann, P Matzakos, F Kaltenberger, V Koumaras, C Sakkas, G Theodoropoulos, A Papaioannou, V Frascolla, T Metsch, S Vahid, D Triantafyllopoulou, R Yogaratnam, F Carrez, K Moessner, D Tsolkas, P Garrido, E Atxutegi, G Xilouris, M Christopoulou, H Koumaras, T Sarlas, T Anagnostopoulos, A Díaz Zayas, I González, P Merino, I Mesogiti, F Setaki, E Theodoropoulou, A Fornés, G Gardikis, D Lioprasitis, P Ginatzis, I Mertzanis, T Prokopidis, I Etxebarria, I Pretel, E Saiz, 2022
- Ayeh Mahjoubi, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2022
- Ayeh Mahjoubi, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2022
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Johan Eklund, Stefan Alfredsson, Mohammad Rajiullah, Anna Brunström, Giuseppe Caso, Konstantinos Kousias, Özgü Alay, 2022
- Alexander Rabitsch, Themistoklis Anagnostopoulos, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Joseph McNamara, Anne-Marie Bosneag, Michail Alexandros Kourtis, George Xilouris, Alay Özgü, Anna Brunström, 2022
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Johan Eklund, Anna Brunström, Stefan Alfredsson, Mohammad Rajiullah, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Giuseppe Caso, Konstantinos Kousias, Özgü Alay, 2022
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Simone Ferlin, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunstrom, 2022
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström, 2022
- Alexander Rabitsch, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Henrik Abrahamsson, Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Stefan Alfredsson, Bengt Ahlgren, 2022
- Bengt Ahlgren, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2022
- Pehr Söderman, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Markus Hidell, Peter Sjödin, 2021
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2021
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Simone Ferlin, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström, 2021
- Alexander Rabitsch, Thanos Sarlas, Georgios Xilouris, Themistoklis Anagnostopoulos, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Özgü Alay, Giuseppe Caso, 2021
- Özgü Alay, Giuseppe Caso, Anna Brunström, Alexander Rabitsch, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Mohammad Rajiullah, Jonas Karlsson, Themistoklis Anagnostopolous, Georgios Xylouris, Harilaos Koumaras, Erik Aumayr, Anne-Marie Bosneag, Joseph McNamara, Ivan Pretel, Iñaki Etxebarria, Elisa Jimeno, Almudena Diaz-Zayas, Belen Garcia, Leonie Reichert, Christos Sakkas, Angeliki Papaioannou, Vaios Koumaras, Santosh Kumar Rajaguru, Arun Prakash, Fabian Eichhorn, Marc Emmelmann, O. Keil, Dimitrios Lioprasitis, Georgios Gardikis, Valerio Frascolla, 2021
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Johan Forsman, Thang Le Duc, Anna Brunström, 2021
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Johan Forsman, Thang Le Duc, Anna Brunström, 2021
- Ayeh Mahjoubi, Javid Taheri, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Shuiguang Deng, 2021
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Simone Ferlin-Reiter, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström, 2021
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2020
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2020
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Stefan Alfredsson, Özgü Alay, Sándor Katona, Gergely Seres, Bela Rathonyi, 2020
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Jun Cheng, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2020
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, 2020
- Muhammad Tahir Abbas, Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2019
- Bengt Ahlgren, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Henrik Arahamsson, Anna Brunström, Per Hurtig, 2019
- Per Hurtig, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Simone Ferlin, Özgü Alay, Nicolas Kuhn, 2019
- Giuseppe Caso, Özgü Alay, Anna Brunström, Mohammad Rajiullah, Jonas Karlsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Erik Aumayr, Anne-Marie Bosneag, Georgious Xilouris, Andreas Oikonomakis, Themistoklis Anagnostopoulos, Harilaous Koumaras, Almudena Dias-Zayas, Bruno Garcia, Marc Emmelmann, Fabian Eichhorn, Thomas Briedigkeit, Santosh Kumar Rajaguru, Arun Prakash, Elisa Jimeno, Christos Sakkas, Panos Matzakos, Ivan Pretel, L. Reichert, Phillipp Schoppmann, Jesus Teran Gutierrez, Alexander Phinikarides, 2019
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Adrian Carlsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Jun Cheng, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2019
- Jonathan Vestin, Andreas Kassler, Deval Bhamare, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Jan-Olof Andersson, Gergely Pongracz, 2019
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Per Hurtig, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2019
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Per Hurtig, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2019
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, 2019
- Åke Arvidsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Eric Chen, Wang Qinghua, Anna Brunström, 2019
- Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Per Hurtig, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Eneko Atxutegi Narbona, Fidel Liberal, Åke Arvidsson, 2018
- Bengt Ahlgren, Per Hurtig, Henrik Abrahamsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2018
- Per Hurtig, Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Eneko Atxutegi, Fidel Liberal, Åke Arvidsson, 2018
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2018
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2018
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2018
- Eneko Atxutegi, Fidel Liberal, Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Åke Arvidsson, 2018
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2018
- Eneko Atxutegi, Fidel Liberal, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Åke Arvidsson, 2018
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2018
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2017
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunström, 2017
- Per Hurtig, Stefan Alfredsson, Anna Brunström, Kristian Evensen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Audun Fosselie Hansen, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, 2017
- Felix Weinrank, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Thomas Dreibholz, Gorry Fairhurst, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, Michael Tüxen, 2017
- Bengt Ahlgren, Per Hurtig, Henrik Abrahamsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2017
- Naeem Khademi, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Øystein Dale, Dragana Damjanovic, Kristian Riktor Evensen, Gorry Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Tom Jones, Simone Mangiante, Andreas Petlund, David Ros, Daniel Stenberg, Michael Tüxen, Felix Weinrank,, Michael Welzl, 2017
- Naeem Khademi, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Øystein Dale, Dragana Damjanovic, Kristian Riktor Evensen, Gorry Fairhurst, Andreas Fischer, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Tom Jones, Simone Mangiante, Andreas Petlund, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, Daniel Stenberg, Michael Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, Michael Welzl, 2017
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, María Isabel Bueno, Dragana Damjanovic, Kristian Rikter Evensen, Gorry Fairhurst, Audun Hansen, David Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, Simone Mangiante, Althaff Mohideen, Mohammad Rajiullah, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, Ricardo Santos, Raffaello Secchi, Tor Christian Tangenes, Micheal Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, Michael Welzl, 2017
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Gorry Fairhurst, David Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, Michael Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, Michael Welzl, 2017
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Maria Isabel Sanchez Bueno, Thomas Dreibholz, Kristian Rikter Evensen, Gorry Fairhurst, Audun Fosselie Hansen, David Hayes, Per Hurtig, Mohammad Rajiullah, Tom Jones, David Ros, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, Michael Tüxen, Eric Vyncke, 2017
- Giorgos Papastergiou, Gorry Fairhurst, David Ros, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, Michael Tüxen, Michael Welzl, Dragana Damjanovic, Simone Mangiante, 2017
- Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Michael Welzl, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Gorry Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, David Hayes, Per Hurtig, Tom Jones, Simone Mangiante, Michael Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, 2017
- Eneko Atxutegi, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Andoni Izurza, Åke Arvidsson, Fidel Liberal, Anna Brunström, 2017
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, 2017
- Jun Cheng, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2017
- Carl Philip Matsson, Thodsapon Kaewprathum, Adam Larsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Rémi Robert, Eneko Narbona Atxutegi, Åke Arvidsson, Fidel Liberal, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Gorry Fairhurst, Tom Jones, Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Dragana Damjanovic, Toerless Eckert, Kristian Riktor Evensen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Audun Fosselie Hansen, Naeem Khademi, Simon Mangiante, Patrick McManus, Giorgos Papastergiou, David Ros, Michael Tüxen, Eric Vyncke, Michael Welzl, 2016
- Zdravko Bozakov, Anna Brunström, Dragana Damjanovic, Kristian Riktor Evensen, Gorry Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Tom Jones, Simone Mangiante, Giorgos Papastergiou, David Ros, Michael Tüxen, Michael Welzl, 2016
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2016
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Tom Jones, Gorry Fairhurst, Per Hurtig, David Ros, 2016
- Georgios Papastergiou, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, David Ros, Michael Tuexen, Naeem Khademi, Per Hurtig, 2016
- Christos Christoforidis, Niklas Ivarsson, Henrik Johansson, Jonas Nilsson, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Andreas Bergman, Marcus Pieskä, Simon Westlinder, Josefine Rust, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2016
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2016
- Eneko Atxutegi, Fidel Liberal, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Åke Arvidsson, Remi Robert, 2016
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Tom Jones, Gorry Fairhurst, David Ros, Anna Brunström, Per Hurtig, 2016
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2015
- Pehr Söderman, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Markus Hidell, Peter Sjodin, 2015
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2015
- Pehr Söderman, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Markus Hidell, Peter Sjödin, 2014
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2014
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, Jun Cheng, 2014
- Pehr Söderman, Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Marcus Hidell, Anna Brunstrom, 2013
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2013
- Pehr Söderman, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Georgios Cheimonidis, Yuri Ismailov, Anna Brunstrom, 2012
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2012
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2012
- Pehr Söderman, Markus Hidell, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2012
- Pehr Söderman, Markus Hidell, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2012
- Johan Eklund, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Georgios Cheimonidis, Yuri Ismailov, 2011
- Johan Eklund, Anna Brunström, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Georgios Cheimonidis, Yuri Ismailov, 2011
- Johan Eklund, Anna Brunstrom, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2011
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2010
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2010
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Stephan Baucke, Anna Brunstrom, 2010
- Johan Eklund, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2008
- Lukasz Budzisz, Ramon Ferrús, Anna Brunstrom, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Roberta Fracchia, Giulio Galante, Ferran Casadewall, 2008
- Lukasz Budzisz, Ramon Ferrus, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2007
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2006
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2005
- Stefan Lindskog, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2005
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2005
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, Torbjörn Andersson, 2005
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2004
- Stefan Lindskog, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2004
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2004
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom, 2004
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2003
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2003
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2003
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, Johan Garcia, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 2002
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2001
- Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunstrom, 2001
- Katarina Asplund, Anna Brunstrom, Johan Garcia, Sean Schneyer, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, 1999
- Alexander Rabitsch, Themistoklis Anagnostopoulos, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Joseph McNamara, Anne-Marie Bosneag, Michail Alexandros Kourtis, George Xilouris, Özgü Alay, Anna Brunstrom,
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, Andreas Kassler,
- Dejene Boru Oljira, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Javid Taheri, Olivier Tilmans, De Schepper Koen,
- Stephan Baucke, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Reiner Ludwig, Anna Brunström, Adam Wolisz,