John Piccolo

Ecological Sustainability
Conservation biology, sustainability and Earth stewardship
Sustaining ecosystems for nature and people is the goal of Ecological Sustainability. Without functioning ecosystems there can be no true sustainability. Conservation biology is concerned with preserving the rich biodiversity of life on Earth. Sustaining this diversity into the future is called Earth stewardship. Conservation biology and Earth stewardship blend eco-evolutionary research with ethics and education to help ensure a sustainable future for the biosphere.
I currently President of the Society for Conservation Biology, Europe Section:
I am also on the Advisory Board for the new peer-review, open access journal The Ecological Citizen. Please visit our website and read more about ecological sustainability:
In 2017 we held a symposium on Earth Stewardship at the Stockholm Resilience Conference in 2017:
Conservation biology of salmon and trout
“The importance of theory (and experimentation) notwithstanding, the interpretation of …nature must rely heavily on professional judgment. So much must be done in so short a time to protect the remaining genetic diversity of these fishes that I cannot responsibly suspend judgments…in the hope that irrefutable data might one day be collected.” - Robert Behnke (1992, AFS Monograph 6)
One main interest is linking a life history-based ecological research program to conservation of salmon and trout. Because many salmon and trout populations migrate long distances, they often require river, lake, and ocean habitats to complete their life cycle. Thus, they are particularly susceptible to local extinctions due to habitat alteration. Successful conservation of native salmonds requires research and management programs that consider all of their life history stages. Salmonid ecologists have a long history of conducting conservation-relevant research, but this has not been enough to stem the tide of extinction of endemic salmon and trout populations worldwide. I am developing a research program to both review important historical contributions to salmon ecology, and to prioritize future research efforts.
Recent and ongoing research includes reviews on:
- the effects of salmon on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
- local adaptation and conservation
- drift-feeding
- multiple-scale ecological models for brown trout
Foraging and habitat selection models
“Why do fish prefer one position over the multitude of alternatives?” - Nicholas Hughes (Hughes and Dill 1990, CJFAS)
One of my main research interests is improving the ecological understanding of fish distribution and abundance. Until we are better able to understand why fish select a given habitat, our ability to predict distribution and abundance will remain limited to correlative studies. Consequently, we will remain unable to predict the effects of habitat change, either natural or anthropogenic. Over the past thirty years ecologists have developed to theoretical tools to test mechanistic hypothesis explaining fish habitat selection. My research interest is to further develop and field-test advanced, individual-based habitat selection models. This research includes field and lab experiments ranging in scale from foraging success of individuals to bioenergetics-based models of stream-scale distribution and abundance, and lacustrine and oceanic distribution of salmon.
***Read the latest on drift foraging in the new special issue of Environmental Biology of Fishes.
I lead courses on Conservation Biology, Ecosystem Stewardship, and Ecological Sustainability
- Haydn Washington, John Piccolo, Helen Kopnina, Fergus O’Leary Simpson, 2024
- Tutku Aykanat, Athina Balatsou, Kirsi Kaehkoenen, Jukka T. Syrjaenen, Matti Janhunen, Tuomas Leinonen, Jenni M. Prokkola, Johnny R. Norrgard, John Piccolo, 2024
- Henry Hansen, Comoglio Claudio, Jelger Elings, Philip Ericsson, Peter Goethals, Marie-Pierre Gosselin, Franz Hölker, Christos Katopodis, Paul Kemp, Lovisa Lind, Rachel Mawer, Gloria Mozzi, John Nestler, John Piccolo, Johannes Radinger, Matthias Schneider, Velizara Stoilova, Bernhard Wegscheider, Eva Bergman, 2024
- Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, Louis Addo, Johan Watz, Johnny Norrgård, Steven F. Railsback, Jukka Syrjänen, Marco Blixt, John Piccolo, 2024
- Jacqueline Hoppenreijs, Jeffery Marker, Ronald J. Maliao, Henry Hansen, Erika Juhász, Asko Lõhmus, Vassil Y. Altanov, Petra Horká, Annegret Larsen, Birgitta Malm-Renöfält, Kadri Runnel, John Piccolo, Anne E. Magurran, 2024
- Louis Addo, Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, John Piccolo, Johan Watz, 2023
- Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao, Nives Dolšak, Aseem Prakash, Taej Mundkur, Paul G. Harris, Ronald B. Mitchell, Nick Davidson, Birgita Hansen, Bradley K. Woodworth, Richard A. Fuller, Melissa Price, Nicky Petkov, Volker Mauerhofer, Tiffany H. Morrison, James E. M. Watson, Sayam U. Chowdhury, Christoph Zöckler, Oscar Widerberg, Ding Li Yong, Daniel Klich, Vitality Smagol, John Piccolo, Duan Biggs, 2023
- Johan Watz, Joel Schill, Louis Addo, John Piccolo, Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, 2023
- Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, Louis Addo, Johan Watz, Railsback Steven F., John Piccolo, 2023
- Kristine Lund Bjørnås, Steven F. Railsback, John Piccolo, 2023
- Peter Lampert, Dave Goulson, Daniel Olsson, John Piccolo, Niklas Gericke, 2023
- Steven J. Cooke, Acacia Frempong-Manso, Morgan L. Piczak, Eirini Karathanou, Cristhian Clavijo, Stephen O. Ajagbe, Excellence Akeredolu, Ayron M. Strauch, John Piccolo, 2022
- Johan Watz, David Aldvén, Patrik Andreasson, Khadija Aziz, Marco Blixt, Olle Calles, Kristine Lund Bjørnås, Ivan Olsson, Martin Österling, Sanna Stålhammar, Johan Tielman, John Piccolo, 2022
- Haydn Washington, Erik Gomez-Baggethun, John Piccolo, Helen Kopnina, Heather Alberro, 2022
- Johan Watz, Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, Louis Addo, Olle Calles, Ola Nordblom, Johan Tielman, John Piccolo, 2022
- John Piccolo, B. Taylor, H. Washington, H. Kopnina, J. Gray, H. Alberro, E. Orlikowska, 2022
- Kristine Lund Bjørnås, Steven F. Railsback, Olle Calles, John Piccolo, 2021
- Steven J. Cooke, Abigail J. Lynch, John Piccolo, Julian D. Olden, Andrea J. Reid, Steve J. Ormerod, 2021
- John Piccolo, 2020
- Anders Andersson, Larry Greenberg, Eva Bergman, Z. Su, M Andersson, John Piccolo, 2020
- Johan Watz, David Alvdén, Antonis Apostolos Brouziotis, Niclas Carlsson, Eirini Karathanou, Kristine Lund Bjørnås, Gustav Lundqvist, Martin Österling, John Piccolo, Olle Calles, 2020
- Bron Taylor, Guillaume Chapron, Helen Kopnina, Ewa Orlikowska, Joe Gray, John Piccolo, 2020
- John Piccolo, Richard D. Durtsche, Johan Watz, Martin Österling, Olle Calles, 2019
- Denis Lafage, Eva Bergman, Rolf Lutz Eckstein, Martin Österling, J. P. Sadler, John Piccolo, 2019
- Stephanie R. Januchowski-Hartley, Sukhmani K. Mantel, Helen M. Barber-James, Jorge Celi, Julian D. Olden, John Piccolo, Virgilio Hermoso, 2019
- Helen Kopnina, Haydn Washington, Bron Taylor, John Piccolo, 2018
- Haydn Washington, Guillaume Chapron, Helen Kopnina, Patrick Curry, Joe Gray, John Piccolo, 2018
- Karl Filipsson, Tina Petersson, Johan Hojesjo, John Piccolo, Joacim Naslund, Niklas Wengstrom, Martin Österling, 2018
- C. Obregón, A. R. Lyndon, J. Barker, H. Christiansen, B. J. Godley, S. Kurland, John Piccolo, R. Potts, R. Short, A. Tebb, S. Mariani, 2018
- John Piccolo, H. Washington, H. Kopnina, B. Taylor, 2018
- John Piccolo, Johan Watz, 2017
- Philip Cafaro, Tom Butler, Eileen Crist, Paul Cryer, Eric Dinerstein, Helen Kopnina, Reed Noss, John Piccolo, Bron Taylor, Carly Vynne, Haydn Washington, 2017
- John Piccolo, 2017
- John Piccolo, 2017
- John Piccolo, Günther Unfer, Javier Lobón-Cerviá, 2017
- Haydn Washington, Bron Taylor, Helen Kopnina, Paul Cryer, John Piccolo, 2017
- John Piccolo, 2016
- John Piccolo, 2016
- Aaron B. A. Shafer, Jochen B. W. Wolf, Paulo C. Alves, Linnea Bergstrom, Guy Colling, Love Dalen, Luc De Meester, Robert Ekblom, Simone Fior, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, A. Rus Hoezel, Jacob Hoglund, Evelyn L. Jensen, Michael Kruetzen, Anita J. Norman, Martin Österling, N. Joop Ouborg, John J. Piccolo, Craig R. Primmer, Floyd A. Reed, Marie Roumet, Jordi Salmona, Michael K. Schwartz, Gernot Segelbacher, Jens Thaulow, Mia Valtonen, Philippine Vergeer, Matthias Weissensteiner, Christopher W. Wheat, Carlese Vila, Piotr Zielinski, 2016
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2016
- Anna Hagelin, Olle Calles, Larry Greenberg, John J. Piccolo, Eva Bergman, 2016
- Aaron B. A. Shafer, Jochen B. W. Wolf, Paulo C. Alves, Linnea Bergstrom, Michael W. Bruford, Ioana Brannstrom, Guy Colling, Love Dalen, Luc De Meester, Robert Ekblom, Katie D. Fawcett, Simone Fior, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, Jason A. Hill, A. Rus Hoezel, Jacob Hoglund, Evelyn L. Jensen, Johannes Krause, Torsten N. Kristensen, Michael Kruetzen, John K. McKay, Anita J. Norman, Rob Ogden, Martin Österling, N. Joop Ouborg, John Piccolo, Danijela Popovic, Craig R. Primmer, Floyd A. Reed, Marie Roumet, Jordi Salmona, Tamara Schenekar, Michael K. Schwartz, Gernot Segelbacher, Helen Senn, Jens Thaulow, Mia Valtonen, Andrew Veale, Philippine Vergeer, Nagarjun Vijay, Caries Vila, Matthias Weissensteiner, Lovisa Wennerstrom, Christopher W. Wheat, Piotr Zielinski, 2015
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, Olle Calles, Åsa Enefalk, Stina Gustafsson, Anna Hagelin, P. Anders Nilsson, Johnny Norrgård, Daniel Nyqvist, Martin Österling, John J. Piccolo, Lea Dominique Schneider, Larry Greenberg, Bror Jonsson, 2015
- John J. Piccolo, 2015
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, John J. Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2015
- Eva Bergman, Johnny Norrgård, John Piccolo, Pär Gustafsson, Fredrik Nilsson, Paul Hart, 2014
- Johan Watz, John Piccolo, Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, 2014
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2014
- Paul BJ Hart, Eva Bergman, Olle Calles, Stina Eriksson, Stina Gustafsson, Linnea Lans, Johnny R Norrgård, John J Piccolo, Nina Rees, Johan Watz, Martin Österling, Larry Greenberg, 2014
- Olle Calles, Ben Griffioen, Erwin Winter, Johan Watz, Daniel Nyqvist, Anna Hagelin, Stina Gustafsson, Martin Österling, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, Eva Bergman, 2014
- John J Piccolo, Beatrice M Frank, John W Hayes, 2014
- Martin Österling, Julia Ferm, John J. Piccolo, 2014
- John J. Piccolo, David L. G. Noakes, John W. Hayes, 2014
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2014
- Johan Watz, Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2013
- Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, Johnny Norrgård, John Piccolo, Monika Schmitz, 2013
- Johnny R Norrgård, Larry A Greenberg, John J Piccolo, Monika Schmitz, Eva Bergman, 2013
- Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, 2013
- John Piccolo, Ewa H. Orlikowska, 2012
- John J Piccolo, Johnny R Norrgård, Larry A Greenberg, Monika Schmitz, Eva Bergman, 2012
- John Piccolo, 2012
- John J. Piccolo, 2012
- Johan Watz, John J. Piccolo, Larry Greenberg, Eva Bergman, 2012
- John Piccolo, 2012
- Johan Watz, Larry Greenberg, John Piccolo, Eva Bergman, 2012
- John Piccolo, 2012
- Beatrice M. Frank, John J. Piccolo, Philippe V. Baret, 2011
- John Piccolo, Johan Watz, Larry Greenberg, 2011
- Michael J. Malick, Lewis J. Haldorson, John Piccolo, Jennifer L. Boldt, 2011
- Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, Johnny R Norrgård, John J Piccolo, Monika Schmitz, 2011
- John Piccolo, 2011
- John J. Piccolo, 2011
- Johan Watz, John J Piccolo, 2011
- Johan Watz, Larry Greenberg, John Piccolo, Eva Bergman, 2011
- John J. Piccolo, 2010
- John Piccolo, Nicholas Hughes, Mason Bryant, 2010
- John Piccolo, 2010
- Eva Bergman, John Piccolo, Johnny Norrgård, Larry Greenberg, Monika Schmitz, 2010
- Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, Johnny R Norrgård, John J Piccolo, Monika Schmitz, 2010
- M.J Malick, L Haldorson, John Piccolo, 2009
- John Piccolo, Lewis J Haldorson, Jennifer L Boldt, 2009
- John Piccolo, Michael J Malick, Lewis J Haldorson, 2009
- John Piccolo, 2009
- Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, John Piccolo, Johnny Norrgård, Monika Schmitz, 2009
- John Piccolo, Milo D Adkison, Frank Rue, 2009
- John Piccolo, 2009
- John Piccolo, 2008
- John Piccolo, Nicholas F. Hughes, Mason D. Bryant, 2008
- Janet L. Armstrong, Katherine W. Myers, David A. Beauchamp, Nancy D. Davis, Robert V. Walker, Jennifer L. Boldt, John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, Jamal H. Moss, 2008
- Eva Bergman, Olle Calles, Larry Greenberg, L Lans, Johnny Norrgård, I Olsson, John J Piccolo, M Schmitz, 2008
- John Piccolo, Nicholas F. Hughes, Mason D. Bryant, 2008
- Ewa H. Orlikowska, John Piccolo, 2007
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, 2007
- J. Fisher, M. Trudel, A. Ammann, J.A. Orsi, John Piccolo, C. Bucher, E. Casillas, J.A. Harding, R.B. MacFarlane, R.D. Brodeur, 2007
- Lewis J. Haldorson, Milo Adkison, John Piccolo, Jennifer L. Boldt, Sara Miller, 2007
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, Jennifer L. Boldt, 2007
- M.D. Bryant, T. Gomi, John Piccolo, 2007
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, 2007
- John Piccolo, Nicholas F. Hughes, Mason D. Bryant, 2007
- John Piccolo, N.F. Hughes, M.D. Bryant, 2006
- John Piccolo, 2006
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, Jennifer L. Boldt, 2006
- Lewis J. Haldorson, Milo Adkison, John Piccolo, Jennifer L. Boldt, Sara Miller, 2006
- M.D. Bryant, T. Gomi, John Piccolo, 2005
- Jennifer L. Boldt, Lewis J. Haldorson, John Piccolo, Jan Armstrong, Dave Beauchamp, Nancy Davis, Kate Myers, Trey Walker, 2005
- John Piccolo, 2005
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, Jennifer L. Boldt, 2005
- John Piccolo, L.J. Haldorson, J.L. Boldt, 2005
- L. Haldorson, John Piccolo, J Boldt, 2004
- John Piccolo, 2004
- Lewis J. Haldorson, Jennifer L. Boldt, John Piccolo, Janet Armstrong, David Beaucamp, Katherine Myers, 2004
- John Piccolo, 2004
- John Piccolo, Lewis J. Haldorson, Jennifer L. Boldt, 2003
- John Piccolo, 2003
- John Piccolo, 2003
- John Piccolo, 2003
- John Piccolo, 2003
- John Piccolo, 2003
- John Piccolo, Pete Schneider, Don Martin, 2003
- John Piccolo, M.S. Wipfli, 2002
- John Piccolo, M.S. Wipfli, 2002
- M.S. Wipfli, John Piccolo, J. Musslewhite, D.P. Gregovich, 2002
- M.S. Wipfli, D.P. Gregovich, John Piccolo, J. Musslewhite, 2002
- John Piccolo, M.S. Wipfli,, 2002
- John Piccolo, 2002
- John Piccolo, Mason Bryant, Nicholas Hughes, 2002
- John Piccolo, 2002
- John Piccolo, 2000
- John Piccolo, 2000
- M.S. Wipfli, D.P. Gregovich, John Piccolo, 2000
- John Piccolo, W.A. Hubert, R.A. Whaley, 1993
- Anders Andersson, Eva Bergman, Larry Greenberg, John Piccolo,
- Anders Andersson, Larry Greenberg, Eva Bergman, Zhenming Su, Magnus Andersson, John Piccolo,