Cyril Holm

In September 2023, I ended a 2-year WASP-HS post-doc – “Law, Singletons, and Leviathan: Legal Values and Civic Virtues under Computer-Optimized Economic Output” – funded by the Wallenberg Foundations, at The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute at The Faculty of Law, Stockholm University.
This research is at the intersection of law, philosophy, tech, and future studies, and the results are to be published as, Law, Artificial Intelligence, and Leviathan, a book written together with Anders Sandberg at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford.
Ongoing research projects:
“Optimal operation of smart buildings through collaboration: Legal, economic, and organizational tools”.
Two and half year grant from research financers Formas (diarienummer [ref.]: 2021-00340). Main researcher in project together with Professor Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, Head of Division, KTH Division of Construction and Facilities Management. Project leader Jonas Anund Vogel, Director KTH Live-In-Lab.
"Dig-IT Lab" is a new VINNOVA-funded competence center at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, aiming at reducing the environmental impact of buildings through digitalization. The center will promote collaboration and accelerate the transition from data collected from buildings to tangible impact. It is a collaboration between industry and academia, as well as existing research centers worldwide.
"Dig-IT Lab" KTH
A new VINNOVA-funded competence center at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, aiming at reducing the environmental impact of buildings through digitalization. The center will promote collaboration and accelerate the transition from data collected from buildings to tangible impact. It is a collaboration between industry and academia, as well as existing research centers worldwide.
The objectives are to maximize the benefits of digitalization throughout a building’s lifespan, to increase and share knowledge, and develop essential competencies for a digitally driven built environment. The center will also promote cross-disciplinary collaboration and research in key areas like digital twins and business models. It will provide a neutral testing environment for joint R&D and technology transfer. Ultimately, Dig-IT Lab will contribute to Sweden’s competitiveness and leadership in digitalization within the built environment.
Dig-IT Lab will establish several new virtual testbeds within its framework, including an overarching ”Testbed Xn”. These will support research and development related to interoperability, optimization, operation, business models, organization, sustainability, and circularity. Ethical considerations, legal compliance, and lifelong learning are also key areas of Dig-IT Lab.
Dig-IT Lab builds on and expands existing research and collaboration within the research center KTH Live-In Lab.
I teach jurisprudence, law and tech, law and economics, legal history, research ethics, and basic normative- and metaethics.
― Member of the Executive Group of KTH Live-In Lab
― Special Interest Group Leader in NERQ, Network for Education and Research Quality, a European Commission sponsored network on Research Ethics and Integrity
― Treasurer of The Swedish Linnaeus Society
― Treasurer of Gripsholmföreningen – a charity devoted to The Swedish National Portrait Gallery at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred
Uppsala University:
- BCL (Music; History of Science and Ideas)
- BLC (Business and Economics)
- MA (law)
- Dphil (Jurisprudence)
Primary field of interest is legal philosophy and tech. Nevertheless, I also hold degrees in history of science and ideas, as well as business and economics, and engage with law and economics (in particular on issues of legislation), as well as with the intellectual history of law.
In 2019/20, I was The Stockholm Centre Oxford Fellow in Law at The Institute of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.
- Jonas Anund Vogel, Hans Lind, Cyril Holm, 2019
- Cyril Holm, 2018
- Cyril Holm, 2018
- Cyril Holm, 2016
- Cyril Holm, 2015