Carina Tenor

My interests are in local journalism from different perspectives, from innovative hyperlocal entrepreneurs to how traditional media adapts to today's digital audience, and how public communication officials relate to the local media ecosystem. Presently, much of my research evolves around METRICS, and how the news media use web analytics and data as a management tool in the newsroom.
Member of MEN, Sweden's Media Ethics Board, formerly PON, the Press Opinion Board, appointed by UR (Utbildningsradion)
Author of the textbook Lokaljournalistik - nära nyheter i en global värld (Local journalism - local news in a global world) published by Studentlitteratur with Gunnar Nygren
Former daily newspaper journalist, since 2015 part-time project researcher and teacher in journalism at Södertörn university.
Working full time at KAU since January 2020.
Selected publications
Metrics as the new normal – exploring the evolution of audience metrics as a decision-making tool in Swedish newsrooms 1995-2022. Journalism.
Resilience of Hyperlocal Media in a Global Media Environment. Handbook of Media and Communication Economics, Springer, Wiesbaden. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-34048-3_88-1
Logic of an Effectuating Hyperlocal - Entrepreneurial processes and passions of online news start-ups, Nordicom Review
- Carina Tenor, 2024
- Carina Tenor, Marju Himma-Kadakas, 2024
- Marju Himma-Kadakas, Carina Tenor, 2023
- Carl-Gustaf Lindén, Mikko Grönlund, Jaana Hujanen, Olga Dovbysh, Katja Lehtisaari, Carina Tenor, 2022
- Jaana Hujanen, Olga Dovbysh, Carina Tenor, Mikko Grönlund, Katja Lehtisaari, Carl-Gustav Lindén, 2020
- Gunnar Nygren, Carina Tenor, 2020
- Carina Tenor, 2019
- Gunnar Nygren, Carina Tenor, 2019
- Sara Leckner, Carina Tenor, Gunnar Nygren, 2019
- Carina Tenor, 2018
- Gunnar Nygren, Sara Leckner, Carina Tenor, 2018
- Sara Leckner, Carina Tenor, 2017
- Carina Tenor, Gunnar Nygren, 2017
- Gunnar Nygren, Sara Leckner, Carina Tenor, 2016