Andrea Schalley

My research interests and expertise lie in:
- Bi- and multilingualism (with a focus on social and affective factors),
- Language policy,
- Bilingual education,
- Linguistic diversity,
- Ontology-based linguistics, and
- Semantics.
For a full list of publications, please see my DiVA record.
I teach a range of English linguistics courses at all levels, including teacher education. I have extensive experience in teaching and supervising in both applied and theoretical linguistics, and have taught courses in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.
Courses at graduate and postgraduate level have included:
- Advanced Semantics
- Bilingualism
- Empirical Methods in Semantics
- Foundations of Linguistic Theory
- Intercultural Communication
- Language and Thought
- Linguistic Data
- Linguistic Theories in Context
- Ontologies and Ontological Methods in Linguistics
- Ontology and the Lexicon – Theory and Applications
- Polysemy: Concept Networks and Constructions
- Semantic Typology
- The Design of Language
I have supervised at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels, including more than 10 PhD students to date.
I completed a Teaching in Secondary and Upper Secondary School degree as well as a Master's in Mathematics in Aachen (Germany), before being awarded a PhD in Theoretical Linguistics in Munich (Germany) in 2003. From 2003-2016, I worked as Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer at the University of New England (Australia), and as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and finally Associate Professor at Griffith University (Australia), before accepting the position of Professor in English Linguistics at Karlstad University in 2016. I also held the position of Adjunct Professor at Griffith University from 2018 to 2020, and was a Research Affiliate at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) (Australia) 2015–2022. Since 2018, I have also been Co-Director of the Centre for Language and Literature Education (CSL) at Karlstad University.
Over the years, I have been a Visiting Scholar at the Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) in Berlin (Germany), the Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) in Nijmegen (Netherlands), and at the Universities of Stuttgart and Munich (Germany). I co-founded and co-coordinate the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Research Network (ReN) on “Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development”, which currently has more than 200 members from more than 35 countries.
I am an editor-in-chief of the fully open access book series Current Issues in Bilingualism (Language Science Press), an editor of the open access Journal of Home Language Research (Stockholm University), and an Editorial Board Member of the Open Handbooks in Linguistics series (MIT Press). I have reviewed grant applications for several research councils (including the Australian Research Council and the European Commission) as well as journal articles, manuscripts and book proposals for a large number of international journals and publishers. Moreover, I have supervised and examined Bachelor, Honours, Master’s and PhD theses in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden.
- Anton Benz, Torgrim Solstad, Oliver Bott, Martin Kahnberg, Andrea C. Schalley, 2025
- Yukinori Kimoto, Asako Shiohara, Danielle Barth, Nicholas Evans, Norikazu Kogura, I. Wayan Arka, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, Yuki Kasuga, Carine Kawakami, Keita Kurabe, Heiko Narrog, Hiroki Nomoto, Hitomi Ono, Alan Rumsey, Andrea C. Schalley, Andrea C. Yanti, Akiko Yokoyama, 2024
- Danielle Barth, Nicholas Evans, Sonja Gipper, Stefan Schnell, Henrik Bergqvist, Mengistu Amberber, I Wayan Arka, Christian Döhler, Volker Gast, Dolgor Guntsetseg, Gabrielle Hodge, Eri Kashima, Yukinori Kimoto, Norikazu Kogura, Dominique Knuchel, Inge Kral, Keita Kurabe, John Mansfield, Heiko Narrog, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, Hiroki Nomoto, Seongha Rhee, Alan Rumsey, Lila San Roque, Andrea C. Schalley, Asako Shiohara, Elena Skribnik, Olena Tykhostup, Saskia van Putten, Saskia van Yanti, 2024
- BethAnne Paulsrud, Päivi Juvonen, Andrea C. Schalley, 2023
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susana A. Eisenchlas, 2022
- Pei-Shu Tsai, Grace Yue Qi, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2022
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, Grace Yue Qi, Pei-Shu Tsai, 2021
- James Chalmers, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrew Munro, Andrea C. Schalley, 2021
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2020
- Editor, 2020
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2020
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2020
- Päivi Juvonen, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Tim Roberts, Andrea C. Schalley, 2020
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susana A. Eisenchlas, 2020
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2020
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2019
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2019
- Nathan Albury, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2018
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susanne Duek, Christina Hedman, BethAnne Paulsrud, Anne Reath Warren, Natalia Ringblom, 2018
- Lochlan Morrissey, Andrea C. Schalley, 2017
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2017
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Natalia Gagarina, 2017
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2017
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2016
- Una Cunningham, Jeanette King, Andrea C. Schalley, Corinne A. Seals, 2016
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Natalia Gagarina, 2016
- Editor, 2016
- Andrea C. Schalley, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Diana Guillemin, 2016
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, Gordon Moyes, 2016
- Andrea C. Schalley, Diana Guillemin, Susana A. Eisenchlas, 2015
- Editor, 2015
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, Diana Guillemin, 2015
- Andrea C. Schalley, Simon Musgrave, Michael Haugh, 2014
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2014
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2014
- Elizabeth Venables, Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2014
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2014
- Simon Musgrave, Andrea C. Schalley, Michael Haugh, 2014
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, 2013
- Dominique Estival, John Henderson, Mary Laughren, Diego Mollá, Cathy Bow, Rachel Nordlinger, Verna Rieschild, Andrea C. Schalley, Alexander W. Stanley, Colette Mrowa-Hopkins, 2013
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley, Diana Guillemin, 2013
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2013
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2012
- Editor, 2012
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2012
- Susana A. Eisenchlas, Diana Guillemin, Andrea C. Schalley, 2012
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2012
- Helen Fraser, Andrea C. Schalley, 2011
- Alexander Borkowski, Andrea C. Schalley, 2011
- Cliff Goddard, Andrea C. Schalley, 2010
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2010
- Helen Fraser, Andrea C. Schalley, 2009
- Andrea C. Schalley, Sandra Kuhn, 2007
- Drew Khlentzos, Andrea C. Schalley, 2007
- Drew Khlentzos, Andrea C. Schalley, 2007
- Editor, 2007
- Editor, 2007
- Andrea C. Schalley, Dietmar Zaefferer, 2007
- Editor, 2007
- Matthias Nickles, Adam Pease, Andrea C. Schalley, Dietmar Zaefferer, 2007
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2007
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2006
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2004
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2004
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2004
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2003
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2003
- Andrea C. Schalley, 2000