PhD Ombud
PhD Ombud: Peter Carlman
Phone: 054-700 12 09
When you run into problems during your doctoral studies you can contact our PhD ombud. Our PhD ombudswoman gives individual support and counseling to all doctoral students. All matters are handled with strict confidentiality.
I can be of support if there are issues you want to discuss concerning your research education. I’m bound by professional secrecy, so questions you raise will stay between us, unless you want me to lift the case with your consent, in a relevant forum. Areas I can be of support concern rights and obligations. I can be an active part or simply extra eyes/ears in meetings and talks. Current problems a phd may experience can be related to supervision, finances, institutional duties etc. Don’t hesitate to initiate contact. It is better to take contact once too much before the issue has grown too big.