Theses and dissertations
Twentyfour persons have received a PhD degree in Physics or Materials Science at Karlstad University since the start.

Mattias Flygare
Dissertation 17 December 2021.
"The influence of crystallinity on the properties of carbon nanotubes”.
Opponent: Professor Thomas Wågberg, Umeå University.
Samuel Starfelt
Dissertation 11 September 2020.
"Scanning tunneling microscopy and photoemission studies of Ag films on metal/semiconductor surfaces”.
Opponent: Professor Anders Mikkelsen, Lund University.
Vanja Blazinic
Dissertation 29th November 2019.
"Probing the effects of photodegradation of acceptor materials in polymer solar cells: bulk, surface, and molecular level"
Opponent: Professor Thomas Wågberg, Umeå University.
Christian Emanuelsson
Dissertation 25th January 2019.
"Electronic Structure and Film Morphology Studies of PTCDI on Metal/Semiconductor Surfaces”.
Opponent: Professor Mats Ahmadi Götelid, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Jan Andersson
Dissertation 3th June 2017.
“Learning physics through communication during laboratory work”.
Opponent: Professor Carl Angell, Oslo universitet, Norge.
Rickard Hansson
Dissertation 3th Februray 2017.
”Materials and device engineering for efficient and stable polymer solar cells”.
Opponent: Professor René Janssen, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Nederländerna.
Igor Buchberger
Dissertation 3th June 2016.
”Strings, Gravitons and Effective Field Theories”.
Opponent: Professor Joseph Minahan, Uppsala universitet.
Henrik Jackman
Dissertation 13th June 2014.
"Mechanical behaviour of carbon nanostructures".
Opponent: Professor Eleanor Campbell, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Leif Ericsson
Dissertation 14th June 2013.
“Growth and characterization on ZnO nanocrystals”.
Opponent: Docent Omer Nour, Linköpings universitet.
Yasir Irshad
Dissertation 26th March 2013.
"On some continuous-time modeling and estimation problems for control and communication".
Opponent: Professor Magnus Jansson, KTH.
Joakim Hirvonen Grytzelius
Dissertation 28th September 2012.
”Thin Mn silicide and germanide layers studied by photoemission and STM”.
Opponent: Professor Leif Johansson, Linköpings universitet.
Carl Stigner
Dissertation 21th September 2012.
”Hopf and Frobenius algebras in conformal field theory”.
Opponent: Professor Ingo Runkel, Universität Hamburg.
Patrik Sandin
Dissertation 20th October 2011.
”Cosmological models and singularities in general relativity”.
Opponent: Professor Alan Coley, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Kanada.
Somsakul Watcharinyanon
Dissertation 7th November 2008.
”Structure of self-assembled monolayers on Gold studied by NEXAFS and Photoelectron Spectroscopy”.
Opponent: Professor Hans Siegbahn, Uppsala universitet.
Jonas Björnsson
Dissertation 9th June 2008.
"Strings, Branes and Non-trivial Space-Times".
Opponent: Professor Ioannis Bakas, University of Patras, Grekland.
Cecilia Björström Svanström
Dissertation 7th December 2007.
”Thin films of polyfluorene:fullerene blends - Morphology and its role in solar cell performance”.
Opponent: Professor Jean Manca, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgien.
Niklas Röhr
Dissertation 1th December 2006.
“Regularization of Einsten's field equations : with applications to cosmological and stellar modelling”.
Opponent: Professor Ingemar Bengtsson, Stockholms universitet.
Albrecht Wurtz
Dissertation 5th October 2006.
"Conformal field theory and D-branes".
Opponent: Professor Bert Schellekens, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Nederländerna.
Jörgen Gustafsson
Dissertation 12th December 2005.
“Electron Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Studies of PTCDA on well-ordered Semiconductor Surfaces”.
Opponent: Professor Kevin Smith, Boston, USA.
Michael Gurnett
Dissertation 11th November 2005.
”Photoemission and Theoretical Studies of the Alkali Metal and Ag-Induced 3x1 and sqrt3 x sqrt3 Reconstructions on Si(111) and Ge(111)”.
Opponent: Professor Guy Le Lay, CRMCN-CNRS, Campus de Luminy, Marseille, Frankrike.
Susanna Widstrand
Dissertation 14th January 2005.
”Surface and Electronic Structure of GaN and SiC”.
Opponent: Professor Karsten Horn, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Tyskland.
Jens Fjelstad
Dissertation 6th December 2002.
“Conformal Field Theory and the Holgoraphic Principle”.
Opponent: Professor Jan de Boer, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nederländerna.
Disputationer i materialvetenskap
Åsa Nyflött
Dissertation 10th February 2017.
“Structure-performance relations of oxygen barriers for food packaging”.
Opponent: Professor José Maria Lagaron, University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
Ana Sofia Freire Anselmo
Dissertation 25th January 2013.
”Materials aspects in spin-coated films for polymer photovoltaics”.
Opponent: Professor Paul Dastoor, University of Newcastle, Australia.