Visit at Computing and Informatics @ Huddersfield University, UK
2015-05-13Associate Professor John Bonner in Huddersfield developed several Wizard-of-Oz setup together with the then doctoral researcher Andol Li and is now interested in how lectures and other events can be developed with video and sound support. Karlstad University’s Ozlab system may be a base technology when exploring such arrangements.
In June 12-13, John Sören Pettersson and Malin Wik visited England to discuss the Huddersfield group’s present research activity related to innovation management and interaction design with the use and evaluation of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. Besides John Bonner and Dr. Colin Venters (under signer of the Karlskrona Manifesto on sustainable design and software) also Dr. Michael O'Grady and Dr. Steve Wade joined some of the discussions. (And for half an hour by Skype also event entrepreneur Jakob Rubensson from Karlstad.)
The Professor in Computer Science Lee McCluskey told about several interesting things, in particular about “Solving Urban Challenges with Data”, where traffic flows can be directed to avoid problems with air quality. In a future scenario with self-driving cars this can be a very strong solution. Complexities of different automatic agents delivering data is not unlike the EU projects which Computer Science in Karlstad partakes in where compliance to data processing policies should be made automatically verifiable.
Several other groups presented or demonstrated; see link:
The visitors from Karlstad also had the opportunity to meet the International Office.
"Where on earth is Karlstad," Elena Nikoulina from the International Office might have asked.
"There!" was in any event professor Pettersson's answer during one of his presentations.