Lou Hinterberg - New internship from Hannover, Germany
2016-08-08Lou Hinterberg, who studies Information Management in Hannover, Germany, will have a ten week internship at Information Systems department at Karlstad University, starting 8th of August, mainly working in the usability lab.
Karlstad University is in the process of switching to a new CMS. For this, Lou will help with preparing the information and webpages of the Information Systems department for that transfer by going through the English webpages, editing and adopting the texts and content, producing and choosing images for the new web.
Lou will also assist in some course work that relates to the Ozlab system. Test the system and recent updates to find malfunctions and "bugs". During another course called "User tests, prototyping and evaluation" she will assist in producing prototypes for the course and keeping track of system use during the course.
Initially, she starts working with editing a manual in English for the Ozlab system. Lou will also help producing instruction videos showing different functions of the Ozlab system.
If time permits, Lou will in addition assist in a research project by making and evaluatingprototypes for an Interreg-funded project called "Preparing for future crisis management".
Lou and Henrik trying out Ozlab at the Usability lab.