Welcome Michael Eden, post doc in mathematics
2022-09-16Where did you work previously?
- I worked as a postdoc at the Centre for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen in Germany.
How did you come in contact with mathematics at Karlstad University?
- Adrian Muntean was one of my PhD supervisors. I visited him here in Karlstad for a month a few years back.
What is your main field in mathematics?
- Mathematical Modelling and Partial Differential Equations.
Tell us about your previous work and research
- My scientific work is usually problem-driven. Two recent examples: (a) we developed a model for the mechanical properties of so-called fibre-reinforced hydrogels that are used, e.g., for in-vitro growth of cartilage, (b) together with engineers, we try to model and investigate the cooling effect of lubricants in grinding processes. I also did a lot of teaching.
What will your assignment be at Karlstad University?
- I am a Marie-Curie fellow funded under the EU Horizon Europe framework which means that I have a specific research project to work on over the next two years with no teaching requirements. In my case, this project is Multiscale Analysis of Phase Transformations in Thermoelasticity (short: MATT). We basically want to better model and understand how microscopic changes inside a material like steel influence its overall properties.
What are your expectations on joining Karlstad University?
- I am looking forward to be part of an international team and to work on a specific project for an extended period of time. I love how the University fosters collaboration, e.g, by having smaller offices in contrast to large common work spaces. Of course, I also want to get to know Swedish culture and learn the language.