SEK 40 million to Kau researchers
2024-11-11During the autumn, several research funding foundations announce their decisions. So far, nine applications from researchers at Karlstad University have been granted a total of close to SEK 40.5 million.
The Swedish Research Council, which is Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body, has granted educational science research funds to the project “Skolgång, utvecklingsvägar och skolerfarenheter för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar”. Lead researcher of the project is Åsa Olsson, docent in educational work at the Department of Educational Studies. The project has been granted funding of SEK 5,895,000.
The Swedish Research Council also grants funding to a research project in the humanities and social sciences. The project “Tjejer i hemlöshet. Livsvillkor, känslor av tillhörighet och betydelser av hem”, led by Maria Moberg Stephenson, senior lecturer in social work at the Department of Social and Psychological Studies, is granted SEK 4,780,000.
Science and technology
The Swedish Research Council has also granted funds to three research projects in science and technology at Karlstad University.
The project “Evolutionsbiologi; Ekologi”, led by Stephen de Lisle, associate senior lecturer at the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, is granted SEK 4,160,000.
The project “Beräkningsmatematik; Matematisk analys; Annan matematik”, led by Adrian Muntean, professor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, is granted SEK 4,640,000.
The third project in this category is “Morfosyntetiska kontinuer med långväga rumsligt beroende som energiutvinningsmaterial”. The project is led by Grigor Nika, associate senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and is granted funding of SEK 4,000,000.
Additionally, the government research council Formas has granted funding to the project “Lösningar för att bedriva en fossilfri omställning som kan bevarar den biologiska mångfalden”. The project is led by John Piccolo, professor of biology at the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, and has been granted SEK 3,979,738.
School research
The Swedish Institute for Educational Research has granted a total of just over SEK 13 million to three research projects at Karlstad University.
Martin Jakobsson, senior lecturer in social science didactics, is in charge of the project “Att utveckla elevers förståelse av politiskt ansvar genom nyhetsbevakning i ämnet samhällskunskap: en studie om skapandet av en didaktisk modell”, which has been granted SEK 4,086,979.
Maria Johansson, adjunct teacher at Karlstad University and upper secondary school lecturer in history as well as a teacher at Globala gymnasiet in Stockholm, is in charge of the project “Historiebruk och progression i elevers lärande”, which has been granted funding of SEK 4,500,000.
Sofia Wijkmark, professor of comparative literature at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, is lead researcher of the project “Värmland (Re)imagined. Platsbaserad litteratur- och historieundervisning för en hållbar framtid”. The project has been granted SEK 4,432,000.
In addition to these projects, several researchers at Karlstad University have been granted funds as co-applicants in projects where the principal applicant belongs to another higher education institution.
More information about the school research projects: