New book chapter on challenges in implementing digital assistive technology in municipal healthcare
2021-10-19Linda Bergkvist and Charlotte Bäccman at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, have studied clients, healthcare personnel, IT personnel and healthcare managers in Swedish and Norwegian municipalities in order to create a better understanding of challenges in implementing digital assistive technology.
The study is published in the anthology "Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation" and shows a complexity where different actors have different knowledge, expectations and ideas about the technology.
“New technology does not only mean adjustments in work processes and daily routines, but also expectations on the personnel to be able to both master and have knowledge about the technology. In order to achieve value creation in the encounter with technology and to achieve lasting changes, different actors need to meet around questions such as why, for whom, and how, and then develop common goals,” explains Linda Bergkvist, assistant professor in information systems.
“In the future, working in healthcare will probably not only be about providing care, but also to handle and give information about technology in interaction with the clients for value creation," says Charlotte Bäccman, assistant professor in psychology. "This is something that educational actors may need to keep in mind when it comes to the content of education for healthcare professionals, who already today handle both people and machines in their daily work."
The book chapter is written together with Ann Svensson, University West and Susanne Durst, Tallinn University of Technology.
Svensson, A., Bergkvist, L., Bäccman, C., & Durst, S. (2021). Challenges in implementing digital assistive technology in municipal healthcare. In P. Ekman, P. Dahlin, & C. Keller (Eds). Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation. (Chapter 9). Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology. Routledge.
Link to the book "Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation".