Major strategic investment in PhD students over a 4-year period
2023-12-07The university board has decided on a strategic investment to recruit more doctoral students. SEK50 million will be set aside to increase the number of doctoral students during the period 2025 to 2028.
The investment is funded by the university’s agency capital and will be distributed on an annual basis, amounting to SEK12.5 million per year.
The first steps will be taken already in 2024. Funds for this initial stage will be taken from the vice-chancellor’s central resource.
Over the following 4-year period of the investment, 60 percent of the funds will be aimed at promoting cutting-edge research within previously identified areas of expertise within the research environments of the Service Research Center (CTF), Computer Science and the multidisciplinary research group ROSE (Research on Subject-specific Education). The research environments are expected to work inclusively.
The remaining part of the funds shall be used, as far as possible, as an addition to already granted external funding. This is to enable the recruitment of more PhD students in other research groups/environments as well. Such co-financing can amount to a maximum of 50 percent of the total cost.
The aim of the investment is to promote the transition towards a stronger research profile with international edge, and not to support regular operations or skills supply.
– By investing in PhD students, we can create conditions for the university to continue building strong research environments. The investment will also lead to increased external funding for our PhD programmes. Both of these goals have been identified as success factors in Karlstad University’s Vision and Strategy 2030, says Vice-Chancellor, Jerker Moodysson.