Increase in number of applicants for Karlstad University
2024-04-17The total number of programme applicants has increased by eight per cent for the autumn semester 2024. There is also a nine per cent increase in first choice applicants.
The Behavioural Science Programme is among the top ten degree programmes at Karlstad University, which is a newly established programme at the university. The programme attracted 873 applicants, of which 116 are first choice applicants.
– It’s very exciting that there’s such a big interest. There are many of us who have worked together in developing this new behavioural science programme and creating an interesting and up-to-date specialisation. We’re looking forward to welcoming new students at the start of the semester and to continuing to develop the programme as we move forward, says Programme Coordinator, Elin Vadelius.
Among the teacher education programmes, KPU 60 credits, with several different specialisations, has seen a strong increase – 530 applicants, of which 119 are first choice applicants. The number of applicants to the programme in primary education has also increased, and the programme in secondary education continues to attract the highest number of applicants.
In terms of engineering, close to all of the engineering programmes have an increase in the number of applicants. The thirteen engineering programmes have a total of 2,954 applicants, of which 412 are first choice applicants. The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management has the biggest increase. In total, that programme now has 607 applicants, of which 64 are first choice applicants, an increase of 42 per cent.
–It’s exciting that we see an increase, both overall and specifically within our STEM programmes. Several of the programmes with the biggest increase in applicants meet important needs in the job market, both in the region as well as nationally and internationally, says Vice-Chancellor, Jerker Moodysson.
STEM is an umbrella term for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
A total of 19,991 students applied to Karlstad University for the autumn semester 2024, an increase of eight per cent. 5,196 are first choice applicants, which is an increase of nine percent.
This is in line with the number of university applicants at the national level, where the increase is eight per cent.
The ten most popular programmes at Karlstad University for the autumn term 2024:
(first choice applicants within parenthesis)
Law Programme: 3,452 (378)
Psychology Programme: 1,757 (211)
Secondary Education Programme: 1,715 (280)
Business and Economics Programme: 1,682 (303)
Social Work Programme: 1,285 (227)
IT, Project Management and ERP Systems: 1,244 (237)
Nursing Programme: 999 (240)
Primary Education Programme: 965 (236)
Behavioural Science Programme: 873 (116)
Dental Hygiene Programme: 785 (210)