Dilan Kilic - finalist in Female Leader Engineer
2021-11-29Female Leader Engineer is a development programme for female engineering students with the potential to acquire leading positions in the business world. Dilan Kilic, student at Karlstad University, was one of the ten finalists.
Female Leader Engineer is an award based on a vision of a gender equal power balance in the world of business. For the award Female Leader Engineer, twenty young engineering students are chosen from Sweden’s best universities.
Dilan Kilic, student at Karlstad University, started her career as a leader early. When she was only 16, she started a tutoring service in her area and soon found an interest in leading others. For her, applying for Female Leader Engineer was a given.
- I applied by writing a letter about my leadership and argue for why I should be chosen, as well as provide my CV, says Dilan Kilic.
Of hundreds of applicants, twenty students were chosen to participate in the development programme - which consists of visits to work places, leadership training and networking. The participants also performed logic tests and personality tests. Based on the results, ten participants remained in the finals.
- In the finals, everyone presented their leadership for a jury, says Dilan Kilic. Most characteristic of my leadership is that I am determined, confident and goal oriented. These are necessary attributes.
Dilan Kilic is confident in her ability to lead others and want her leadership to be based on a transparent dialogue that goes both ways. And when it comes to hard decisions, Dilan does not falter.
- I am confident in my ability to lead.
The prise for Female Leader Engineer went to Martina Sjölander at Uppsala University, but Dilan Kilic views all the finalists as winner.
- I have acquired an incredible network and contacts for the future. To participate in Female Leader Engineer is a prize in and of itself.