Ander Visiting Professor Vargo named among the world´s most cited
2022-12-06Professor Stephen L. Vargo, Ander Visiting Professor at Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University, is once again named among the world´s most influential researchers as he appears on prestigious lists published by Clarivate Analytics and Stanford University.
Stephen L. Vargo is for the ninth consecutive year named to Clarivate´s Highly Cited Researchers list for 2022 in the business and economics discipline. On the 2022 Stanford-Elsevier list of science-wide author impact he is shown as number 3 for 2021 impact and number 5 for career impact among marketing professors worldwide.
– This confirms that Professor Vargo´s recognition in marketing is more than well-established, says CTF Director Per Kristensson. As research is a highly international phenomenon, we are proud and happy of this achievement and that Professor Vargo is affiliated with CTF. Professor Vargo is one of our Ander Visiting Professors funded by the Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research.
– The Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research, CTF and the university have played a significant role in these achievements, through the support for and input into the development of my work, says Professor Vargo. CTF researchers have both served as important co-authors and advocates through most of my academic journey. I look forward to continuing this mutually beneficial relationship.
Stephen L. Vargo is a Shidler Distinguished Professor and Professor of Marketing at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has been presented several awards for his research and is the author of a number of best-selling books. Vargo has over 100 publications and more than 70,000 citations according to Google Scholar.