Academic celebration with passion and vice-chancellor inauguration
2023-10-25The theme of the 2023 Academic Celebration was passion, which was evident in both the morning event at Karlstad CCC and the afternoon ceremony in Aula Magna.
The Academic Celebration on Friday 20 October started at Karlstad CCC where five new professors presented their research in front of a full house in the hall Lerinsalen. After the short presentations, the moderator, Jan van Stam, professor of physical chemistry, held a talk on passion, this year’s theme. First with the five professors, Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee, Ida Flink, Yvonne Liljekvist, Johan Samuelsson and Erica Sandlund, and then with this year’s two recipients of honorary doctorates, Anders Lind and Anders Olsson.
Vice-chancellor inauguration
The two latter formally received their honorary doctorates at the afternoon ceremony in Aula Magna, which started with the vice-chancellor inauguration. Pro-vice-chancellor Margareta Friman delivered a speech before placing the vice-chancellor’s chain of office around the neck of Jerker Moodysson. His subsequent speech on the theme of passion was well received by the audience.
The theme was a common thread in the welcome speech from the chair of the university board, Pam Fredman, the conferment speech from dean Jessica Eriksson, the ceremonial speech from professor Erica Sandlund, and the student union speech from its president Daniel Vamos.
18 doctors and 17 docents
At the ceremony, the five new professors were inaugurated alongside Andreas Sundén, adjunct professor at the Ingesund School of Music, who performed a clarinet piece.
A total of 18 doctors from the two faculties of Karlstad University received the so-called insignia as proof that their doctoral degrees had been conferred. The ceremony also included the presentation of 17 new docents, who have given trial lectures at various events at the faculties during the spring and autumn.
Atmospheric music
In between the ceremonial items, the audience was treated to musical performances by Camerata MHI, the Ingesund ceremony ensemble and brothers Henrik and Magnus Rongedal.
The afternoon ceremony in Aula Magna was further brightened by performances from the university’s dance students. The Academic Celebration ended with a banquette at Karlstad CCC in the evening.
Long-standing tradition
Since the Middle Ages, Academic Celebrations are held at higher education institutions all over the world, in order to celebrate that researchers have achieved the skills required to become a part of the academic community. Karlstad University has held an annual Academic Celebration since 2000.
Read more about the professors, doctors, honorary doctors and Academic Celebration at Karlstad University 2023 here: