FAQ - electronic publishing in DiVA

- Why am I unable to log in?
Make sure that you are using the correct username and password. You need to use the login details for your student account, i.e. the account you use to access the computers in the Library and your pages on the Student Intranet.
- How do I upload my abstract?
You can copy your abstract from your Word document and paste it into the online form. You should not copy and paste the abstract from a pdf file, because the word wrapping may be incorrectly transferred – your lines may not end in the same places as in the PDF-document.
- How do I create a PDF-document from my Word file?
Instructions for creating a PDF-file
- How do I upload my PDF-file to the online form?
Select the PDF-file that you want to upload by using the Bläddra/Browse button under the heading Ladda upp fil/Upload file in the online form. The path to the file you select in the dialogue window will be shown in the text field. Please note that you need to click on Upload for the file to be uploaded to the form.
- Am I done when I have clicked on Spara utkast/Save draft in the online form?
No, you need to complete the entire form and then click on publish on the last page. If you only click save your form will remain as draft and you are still able to change the information you have provided. Please make sure that you complete the form as accurately as possible. Once you have published the form you are unable to make any changes to the information you have entered.
- How long does it take for the thesis to be published?
Your form will be reviewed by an administrator before it becomes visible on the internet. Your administrator will also add a file for archiving which he/she receives from your examinator once you passed your exam. As soon as this is done the administrator publishes the complete form and a confirmation of publication is send to you if you provided your e-mail address in the form.
- Help! I have submitted the wrong file.
If the thesis has not yet been published, the archivist is able to delete your record, but this means that you will have to complete the online form again. After publication we are unable to make changes or swop or delete theses, even when you have discovered mistakes in the electronic version that are not in the printed version. It is therefore important to submit the correct version of your thesis.
- Which fields do I have to complete in the online form?
Only a few fields in the form are compulsory, but it is best to complete as many as possible. A rule of thumb is to at least supply all the details you have on the thesis cover. If you want your thesis to be published on the national thesis databases Uppsök and uppsatser.se, you also need to complete the Uppsök ämneskategori/Uppsök subject category field. Next to each of the headings in the form a small red question mark is displayed. You can obtain more information about the field by hovering with the mouse pointer over the question mark.