Course literature & Course reference books
The library has the books required for all the courses available at the university. There are copies for borrowing and for some titles there is also a reference copy.

Course literature for home loan
Course literature intended for normal home loan is placed on the same shelves as other literature and borrowed according to the same regulations.
Course reference books
The library holds a reference collection of the most popular course books. These books have yellow markers on their spines and are placed in room 1E 225 on Floor 2.
Borrowing course reference books
All course reference books must be borrowed before they can be taken out of room 1E 225. There is a Self-checkout machine in the room. The loan period is one day, but the book must be returned the same day at 23:59. If you don't return the book on time, an overdue fine of SEK 250 per book is charged.
Search for course literature
You can search for course literature and course reference books in the Library catalogue and in OneSearch. There you can see how many copies is available of each book and if there is a Course reference copy.