Publish reports, dissertations and licentiate theses

Karlstad University Studies (KUS)
Karlstad University Studies is the University’s official publication series for research reports, doctoral dissertations and licentiate theses. The series is administrated by Karlstad University Press.
What are the faculties rules for dissertations and licentiate theses?
Here are the collected regulations for third-cycle studies at Karlstad University (see chapter 8. for licentiate and doctoral theses regulations)
There are specific guidelines as regards font, headings and format for publications within Karlstad University Studies. The guidelines are voluntary and are intended to enable those that use Word to design a publication that fits in with the University’s graphic profile. It is also possible to download a Word template which has been specifically developed for publications in our report series. At present no similar guidelines have been developed for word processing software other than Word.
Correction- and printing process
Our checklist explains the different steps in the correction- and printing process:
Sale of publications
Karlstad University Press (KUP) can help you sell publications within Karlstad University Studies if an agreement has been reached with the author or institution. If you are interested, please contact:
Electronic publication
According to Vice-Chancellor's Decision No 110/04 all monograph theses, comprehensive summaries of compilation theses and reports included in the research report series should also be published electronically, unless this is prohibited for copyright reasons. Before publication the author needs to sign a publishing agreement according to which he/she undertakes to agree to these conditions. The document will be made available to the author by the publishing support team well in advance. The electronic publication takes place after the thesis/report has been approved for printing (to ensure that the electronic version does not differ from the printed publication).