Facts and figures
Many come to the library to use the good study environment, but how do they use the library resources?
Every day
- 1 234 searches are carried out in OneSearch
- 1193 downloads are made from our licensed database and e-resources. 1 006 of them are journal articles.
Every open day
- 25 reference questions are made to staff by mail, phone, chat or in person.
- 89 print books are lent
- We are sending 10 books to other libraries and borrowing 4.
2023 the library had
133 278 printed books | 514 606 e-books |
94 print journal titles | 17 394 e-journals |
1 219 seats | 431 204 visits |
Open 291,5 days |
Detailed library statistics can also be found through the Royal library report generator (in Swedish).