Guest Talk: Dr. Sayaka Osanami Törngren
What I mean by race when I talk about race.
Dr Sayaka Osanami Törngren, docent/forskare, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare.

Torsdag 5/12, 13.00–14.30, 12A225 Humlan
Abstract: In this presentation, Sayaka Osanami Törngren establishes what she means by race and how race matters in Sweden despite the common claim that “race does not matter”. She would also like to shift our mind from simply talking about racism and structural racism as something that is, to something that we all participate and perpetuate consciously and unconsciously as individuals. Through drawing on empirical research that she has been involved in the past ten years, she hopes to highlight how and where race matters and why we cannot go “beyond race” in the face of persistent racisms, hierarchies and maintenance of power and privilege.
Short bio: Sayaka Osanami Törngren is an Associate Professor in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER). She is currently engaged in full-time research at the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration. Her research interests include race and racialization, racism and discrimination, and inequality.