High quality of PhD programme in computer science
2018-07-03UKÄ, Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslerämbetet), has evaluated the quality of PhD programmes in computer science at Swedish higher education institutions. The PhD programme in computer science at Karlstad University is reviewed to be of high quality in the evaluation.
"During the last three years, our PhD programme has grown remarkably, just like other aspects of our activities. The PhD students are involved in all three of our research areas, that are computer networking, privacy and security and software engineering", says Karl-Johan Grinnemo, subject representative of computer science at Karlstad University. "The PhD students get to take part in applied science through our collaboration projects, that are carried out together with national and international actors from the industry, public sector and academia. They are also highly involved in our undergraduate education."
UKÄ’s evaluation
In the overall statement from the evaluation group in the assessment of PhD programmes in computer science at Karlstad university, it is made evident that:
- The PhD students’ participation in research projects contributes to them gaining a broad knowledge and understanding of the subject, and to their opportunity to form contacts that can be used in their future careers.
- The PhD students’ participation in teaching contributes to the development of their ability to support the learning of others and to contribute to the development of society.
In their statement the evaluation group also highlights a number of good examples, such as the PhD students’ yearly opportunity to present their research to the international advisory board (IAB) of the research environment, which contributes to the widening of the PhD students’ understanding of their coming working life. The department’s gathered work in promoting equality was also highlighted as an example of how equality perspectives may be integrated in the modelling and implementation of PhD education. For instance, all female applicants for PhD student positions are invited for an interview. The work being done in teaching Swedish was also highlighted, as an example of promoting PhD student influence for students with a different first language.