A close and developing contact with companies, organizations and administration is important for Karlstad Business School. The fact that our programs and courses have a strong relevance for a future professional life are crucial success factors for us and our students.

We simply believe that the results will be better when several parties work together. When different perspectives meet. Therefore, we have a high ambition when it comes to collaboration and are looking for more forms of collaboration. The offer includes a number of different ways to collaborate in the areas of marketing, accounting, finance, financial management, organization, law, tourism and IT design.
Entrepreneurs, authorities, municipalities, managers, experts in various functions are important to our students. It can be a valuable contact for future job opportunities, but also a good insight into what working life can look like. And because we know that our students are curious and hungry for a taste of life after graduation, we are convinced that a collaboration with us can be mutually beneficial.
Our students are often involved in collaborations with various organizations and companies. An example is in the course Services and IT: Electronic Business, where students give suggestions for creative solutions in sharp cases.
Read more about the latest course where the Swedish Consumer Agency needed the students' eye for new digital solutions: