Kau Science Week on Instagram
2023-12-04Kauresearch is the name of the university’s Instagram account where we share research information, news and glimpses of everyday life as a researcher - often with a fun twist. During the Nobel Week, 4-10 December, the university will draw on the special attention paid to science through a themed week, Kau Science Week.
The themed week will mainly appear on Kauresearch, but also on other platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Posts will be shared every day during the week to draw attention to research and researchers that relate to the subjects of the Nobel Prize.
The Nobel Week, which ends with the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, is a great opportunity to put the spotlight on research. A post will be shared on Kauresearch every day from 4 to 10 December and this is accompanied by stories and hashtags for various Nobel Week events that can be followed online. In addition, the university’s main accounts on Facebook, Instagram och LinkedIn will highlight parts of the content and link to Kauresearch.
- Kau Science Week allows us to shed some extra light on our researchers and their thoughts on science. It is both a way to share interesting research and to highlight our PhD programmes, says Christina Knowles, Head of Communications.
- Follow Kauresearch: https://www.instagram.com/kauresearch/
Kauresearch started in the autumn 2017 and currently has 1,045 followers. The posts are in English, usually with one or more photos and sometimes video clips. The posts focus on research findings and life as a researcher – regardless of whether you are an established researcher or a doctoral student. The aim is to create more interest and awareness about the research conducted at Karlstad University.