EXACT - Excellence in advancing for a circular transition
Karlstad University has received funding from the KK Foundation to build an industrial research school in forest-based bioeconomy and digitization. The project runs from June 2023 to May 2029.
EXACT is a collaboration between two strong research groups at Karlstad University - Pro2BE and DAMI4.0 - eight companies and several industry partners. The purpose of EXACT is to combine knowledge in process engineering and systems analysis with expertise in digitization, to develop energy-efficient digitized production processes and high-quality bio-based products. The vision is to contribute to circular transformation and future-proofing of the Swedish process industry through needs-driven research.
- Karin Granström, professor in Environmental and energy systems
- Magnus Lestelius, professor in Chemical engineering, manager of focus area Materials
- Roger Renström, associate professor in Environmental and energy systems, assistant project manager, manager of focus area Processes, co-supervisor
- Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee, professor in Computer science, Co-leader of focus area Processes, supervisor
- Agne Swerin, professor in Chemical engineering, co-supervisor
- Jörgen Samuelsson, associate professor in Chemistry, supervisor
- Björn Sjöstrand, associate professor in Chemical engineering, supervisor
- Anders Biel, associate professor in material science, supervisor
- Behudin Mesic, associate professor in Chemical engineering, co-supervisor
- Lena Brunzell, doctor in Environmental and energy systems, co-supervisor
- Gunilla Carlsson Kvarnlöf, doctor in Chemistry, co-supervisor
- Helena Håkansson, doctor in Chemical engineering, co-supervisor
- Gunnar Henriksson, guest professor in Chemical engineering, co-supervisor
- Arunselvan Ramaswamy, doctor in Computer science, co-supervisor
- Kamal Rezk, doctor in Environmental and energy systems, co-supervisor
- Miguel Xavier Fernandez, doctor in Chemistry, co-supervisor
- Develop an innovative industrial postgraduate program and educational network in bioeconomy, combining aspects of circular economy and smart digitization
- Establish university and industry collaboration and co-production with the help of doctoral projects in bioeconomy, which enables excellence, knowledge transfer and increases the attractiveness of employees for the companies involved
- Support the development of current and new research areas within Pro2BE and DAMI4.0, contribute to scientific development through interdisciplinary research and innovation.
A major advantage for companies participating in industrial research schools is the opportunities for networking, collaboration, exchange of experience and co-production. EXACT is designed to enable this both between the companies and through collaboration with the industry clusters Paper Province and Compare, with the education and innovation center Glava Energy Center, with the collaborative platform Treesearch and with the business research school Resurssmarta Processer. EXACT is also supported by the industry organization Skogsindustrierna.
EXACT also collaborates with MIRAI, which is a collaborative project between seventeen Swedish and Japanese universities, aiming to strengthen cooperation in education, research, and innovation.
EXACT has access to regional test beds, which will be useful for prototype development: Circle Lab with 3-D printing in Torsby, Lignocity in Bäckhammar, UMV Coating Systems with pilot coater in Säffle.