NewDePT - Research on Pellet
The research group NewDeP, New Development for Pellet Technology, consists of seven researchers and has been working on pellet research since 2001. The research encompasses how renewable material can become a high-quality pelleted product, in a sustainable and energy efficient way.

The research is process oriented and covers processes from a system perspective with analyses from wet raw material to pelletized product. Focuses are energy efficiency and sustainable additives; for example, how various additives influence quality, energy use and shelf life of the product. The research is strongly connected to applied technology and the group manage a unique test bed, in full pilot scale, with the possibility to measure and analyse the pellet process from raw material to stored pellets. A very good collaboration with the industry gives unique opportunities to scale research findings and studying data from full-scale runs. We have a well established routine to handle the questions that come from industry and society.
General research objectives
To be established as leading Swedish research group and internationally recognized in pelletizing renewable material.
To strengthen our competence in bonding mechanisms and modelling in pellet production.
To be part of an international network with continuous EU funding.
Jonas Berghel, Professor
Karin Granström, Associate Professor
Gunnar Henriksson, Professor
Stefan Frodeson, Senior Lecturer
Carina Rehnström, Doctoral Candidate
Magnus Ståhl, Senior Lecturer
Workson Siwale, Doctoral Candidate
Current research projects:
Wood fuel pellet production, Energy, quality and capacity improvements. (Doctoral Student: Stefan Frodeson, main supervisor: Jonas Berghel)
New Development and Products for Wood Fuel Pellet Industry: For a sustainable growth in the Swedish bio economy.