Karlstad University strives to contribute to sustainable development. Environmental thinking must permeate all our activities. We have therefore introduced an environmental management system and annual environmental goals.
These goals include taking environmental aspects into account in all education and research, making environment-friendly purchases and journeys, reducing the amount of paper and chemicals used and training the staff in environmental issues. The environmental management system is a way of achieving a better overview of environmental issues in order to involve all sections of the organization in the work.
Environmental Policy
The aim of the environmental policy is to show how Karlstad University should work systematically to reduce negative environmental impact and contribute to sustainable development. These efforts are incorporated in our teaching and research activities as well as our administrative central services.
The environmental policy guides the university’s environmental management work and is primarily focused on environmentally sustainable development. The environmental policy also considers, in part, socially and economically sustainable development with regard to Agenda 2030 and the UN’s 17 global goals for sustainable development. The environmental policy is also based on the university’s participation in the Climate Framework, objectives in Karlstad University’s vision and strategy, and national environmental goals.
Karlstad University contributes to sustainable development by:
1. Complying with relevant environmental legislation and systematically developing policies, action plans and routines.
2. Considering the environmental impact in decision-making.
3. Providing training within sustainable development for staff.
4. Including relevant knowledge of sustainable development for students in degree programmes.
5. Drawing attention to research conducted at the university on sustainable development.
6. As a general rule, considering the environmental impact in relation to all forms of procurement of goods and services, and if necessary, demanding fair working conditions.
7. Working methodically with waste management and streamlining recycling and energy use.
8. Applying business travel practices that reduce the environmental impact.
Sustainable Travel
A long-term strategy for sustainable travel was drawn up in 2003. The aim is to halt the increase in travel by private car and boost the proportion of more environmentally friendly methods of travelling to and from the University, like public transport, cycling and car-sharing.
Waste Sorting
We have introduced a comprehensive waste-sorting system. Eco-stations are located all around the University. Most waste paper baskets have been removed and replaced by units made to our own design for separating waste at source. The aim is for as much as possible of the University’s waste to be sent for recycling, and to reduce the number of waste consignments.
Reduced Paper and Energy Consumption
The University has set itself a target of reducing paper consumption, for example by making increased use of double-sided copying and printing. We also aim to reduce our energy consumption by ten per cent in five years.