Civics 1
30.0 ECTS creditsThe aim of the course is that students develop broad and professional competences as civics teachers. Teaching about society requires knowledge of social, economic and political action and conditions, as well as of teaching methodology and teaching skills. The concept of society is used to relate sifferent module content and perspectives to a whole.
The course comprises the following modules and components:
Module 1
- the concept of society is introduced and problematised
- basic subject-specific teaching theories are presented and problematised and basic teaching issues are applied to the civics subject
- mass media and ICT in current society and education are presented and problematised from the perspectives of teaching and society
Module 2
- a basic sociological perspective on society is presented and problematised
- a basic legal perspective on society is presented and problematised
- sustainable development is discussed from a sociological perspective with special emphasis on international conditions
- sociological and legal perspectives are related to the concept of society through theories and applications of identity-creation and subject-specific teaching methodology
Module 3
- a basic economics perspective on society with emphasis on micro economy theory is presented and problematised
- a basic private economy perspective is presented and problematised
- the economics perspective is related to the concept of society through theories and applications of identity-creation and subject-specific teaching methodology
Forms of instruction
- lectures, seminars and interactive communication
The course comprises the following modules and components:
Module 1
- the concept of society is introduced and problematised
- basic subject-specific teaching theories are presented and problematised and basic teaching issues are applied to the civics subject
- mass media and ICT in current society and education are presented and problematised from the perspectives of teaching and society
Module 2
- a basic sociological perspective on society is presented and problematised
- a basic legal perspective on society is presented and problematised
- sustainable development is discussed from a sociological perspective with special emphasis on international conditions
- sociological and legal perspectives are related to the concept of society through theories and applications of identity-creation and subject-specific teaching methodology
Module 3
- a basic economics perspective on society with emphasis on micro economy theory is presented and problematised
- a basic private economy perspective is presented and problematised
- the economics perspective is related to the concept of society through theories and applications of identity-creation and subject-specific teaching methodology
Forms of instruction
- lectures, seminars and interactive communication
Progressive specialisation:
G1N (has only upper‐secondary level entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
General admission requirements plus field-specific eligibility A6c - Civics (Mathematics 2a/2b/2c, Civics 2) or field-specific eligibility 6c - Civics (English B, Mathematics B, Civics B)
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.