Local and regional adaptation to climate change
15.0 ECTS creditsThe course covers two themes:
The climate challenge in Sweden and the world
-Current research on climate change effects globally, regionally, and locally, for instance from the UN climate panel (IPCC)
-Effects of climate change on the natural environment and societal functions in Sweden, Europe, and globally
-Critical infrastructure vulnerability to climate change
-Comparative analyses of local climate adaptation challenges and global strategies
-Actors, policies, and strategies in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at the global level.
Strategies, measures, and actors
-Societal strategies and actors in climate adaptation efforts at the national, regional, and local levels
-Current and comparative examples of societal climate adjustment
-Specialised study of adjustment strategies in a sector of society
-Discussion of strategies for climate adaptation in different places and by different actors
-Municipal risk and vulnerability analysis and planning
-Decision-making, decision processes, and grounds for decisions in risk management
-Resilience and vulnerability as research concepts.
Students develop skills in leading a seminar, compiling information from a large area of expertise, and analysing/assessing on the basis of an analytical framework.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, exercises, study visits, and seminars.
The climate challenge in Sweden and the world
-Current research on climate change effects globally, regionally, and locally, for instance from the UN climate panel (IPCC)
-Effects of climate change on the natural environment and societal functions in Sweden, Europe, and globally
-Critical infrastructure vulnerability to climate change
-Comparative analyses of local climate adaptation challenges and global strategies
-Actors, policies, and strategies in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at the global level.
Strategies, measures, and actors
-Societal strategies and actors in climate adaptation efforts at the national, regional, and local levels
-Current and comparative examples of societal climate adjustment
-Specialised study of adjustment strategies in a sector of society
-Discussion of strategies for climate adaptation in different places and by different actors
-Municipal risk and vulnerability analysis and planning
-Decision-making, decision processes, and grounds for decisions in risk management
-Resilience and vulnerability as research concepts.
Students develop skills in leading a seminar, compiling information from a large area of expertise, and analysing/assessing on the basis of an analytical framework.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, exercises, study visits, and seminars.
Progressive specialisation:
G2F (has at least 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements:
45 ECTS credits in one of the main areas Risk and environmental studies, Environmental science, Risk management, Biology, Spatial and social planning, Energy and environmental systems, Physical geography, Human geography, or Political science, or 30 ECTS credits each in two of these main areas, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Environment and Safety (studied during year 2)