Scientic method IV
7.5 ECTS creditsInstruction is in the form of lectures, assignments, and seminars.
This is a distance learning course using different forms of ICT.
The course covers the following:
Theory of science, including science paradigms and methodology, research questions, research problems, and research design in relation to different science paradigms.
The most common qualitative methods (for instance qualitative content analysis, phenomenography, phenomenology, hermeneutics, and grounded theory), including similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses.
In-depth study of data collection methods in qualitative research, including aspects such as selection, interviews, focus groups, and observations.
Examination of the credibility of qualitative research in terms of reliability, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Practical collection of qualitative data, plus analysis and report of result.
In-depth study of quantitative research design, experiment and other, intervention and implementation research in relation to selection, data collection, and analysis.
Assessment instruments used in research and in clinical practice.
Reliability and validity, and the most common risks that may result in decreased reliability and validity.
Practical exercises in descriptive and analytical statistics (parametric and non-parametric statistical methods) (training in statistics software such as SPSS), and interpretation of the results.
The most common methods for literature study (such as systematic, integrative, and scoping), analysis and compilation of results.
Literature searches and search strategies in connection with a research project.
Assessment of the results of a literature search in terms of credibility.
Research ethical problems and considerations discussed in terms of legislation and regulations relevant to research in nursing.
Critical review of the relevance of research results for use in clinical practice, improvement efforts, and national guidelines.
This is a distance learning course using different forms of ICT.
The course covers the following:
Theory of science, including science paradigms and methodology, research questions, research problems, and research design in relation to different science paradigms.
The most common qualitative methods (for instance qualitative content analysis, phenomenography, phenomenology, hermeneutics, and grounded theory), including similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses.
In-depth study of data collection methods in qualitative research, including aspects such as selection, interviews, focus groups, and observations.
Examination of the credibility of qualitative research in terms of reliability, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Practical collection of qualitative data, plus analysis and report of result.
In-depth study of quantitative research design, experiment and other, intervention and implementation research in relation to selection, data collection, and analysis.
Assessment instruments used in research and in clinical practice.
Reliability and validity, and the most common risks that may result in decreased reliability and validity.
Practical exercises in descriptive and analytical statistics (parametric and non-parametric statistical methods) (training in statistics software such as SPSS), and interpretation of the results.
The most common methods for literature study (such as systematic, integrative, and scoping), analysis and compilation of results.
Literature searches and search strategies in connection with a research project.
Assessment of the results of a literature search in terms of credibility.
Research ethical problems and considerations discussed in terms of legislation and regulations relevant to research in nursing.
Critical review of the relevance of research results for use in clinical practice, improvement efforts, and national guidelines.
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
A degree in Nursing (180 ECTS credits), including a degree project (15 ECTS credits), or a Bachelor degree in Nursing, plus upper secondary level Swedish 3 or Swedish as a second language 3 and English 6 or A, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Master Programme in Health Science: Focus Nursing (studied during year 1)