Music in Lower Secondary Education
30.0 ECTS creditsThe course comprises 2 modules with the following main components:
Module 1 Music, Music Teaching and Music Making 15 ECTS cr
-planning, evaluating and assessing music teaching in line with current curriculum and grading scale
- survey of the world's supply of music: influence, ends and means, gender and cultural and historical aspects
- the multicultural role of the subject music in school
- students' music consumption in the classroom
- children with special needs in the music classroom
- creative exercises to inspire students' music creation
- the theory and practice of teaching in creative processes.
Module 2 Making Music, Teaching, and Digital Tools (15 ECTS cr)
-playing chord and accompanying instrument and singing
- pedagogical perspectives on and methods for music making in groups
- ICT in the learning process
- creating music with digital tools
- developing skills in using technical equipment relevant for music teaching in lower secondary education
Instruction is mainly in the form of groups, lectures, and seminars
Module 1 Music, Music Teaching and Music Making 15 ECTS cr
-planning, evaluating and assessing music teaching in line with current curriculum and grading scale
- survey of the world's supply of music: influence, ends and means, gender and cultural and historical aspects
- the multicultural role of the subject music in school
- students' music consumption in the classroom
- children with special needs in the music classroom
- creative exercises to inspire students' music creation
- the theory and practice of teaching in creative processes.
Module 2 Making Music, Teaching, and Digital Tools (15 ECTS cr)
-playing chord and accompanying instrument and singing
- pedagogical perspectives on and methods for music making in groups
- ICT in the learning process
- creating music with digital tools
- developing skills in using technical equipment relevant for music teaching in lower secondary education
Instruction is mainly in the form of groups, lectures, and seminars
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
Pedagogics, Educational Work, Educational Studies 30 ECTS cr or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.