History of Ideas II: Global History of Ideas
7.5 ECTS creditsIn this course, non-European cultures are studied from a global and comparative perspective. The overarching theme is world views, with the aim to relate some of their main features, primarily beyond Western and Abrahamitic cultural spheres, to a traditional history of ideas canon. The encounters of Europeans with alien cultures and their effects on understandings of the world are treated. An important aspect in this context is non-European conceptions of Europeans. The importance of the colonial heritage to the dissemination of ideas is studied with the help of postcolonial theories placed in a history of ideas context. The concept of globalisation and the emergence of global cultural patterns are also analysed.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, presenting overviews of essential content, and mandatory seminars on course content in the light of course literature, in which students discuss their understanding orally and in writing.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, presenting overviews of essential content, and mandatory seminars on course content in the light of course literature, in which students discuss their understanding orally and in writing.
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements:
30 ECTS credits in History of Ideas, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Political Science, or Religious Studies, with 15 ECTS credits completed, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.